I’m sure you’ve been told many times that you have to try a lot to find out how to succeed and that persistent people get what they want. I know how you feel about that sometimes, you feel like you need a more realistic example that can show you that you can do it too and that’s why I’m going to tell you a story.
I will start the story from the end. My name is M.Farouk Radwan and if you have read any articles on 2knowmyself.com before, you probably already know that I became a millionaire in 2010 because of that website.
But the important question is, how many failed projects did I have to go through?
How many times have I started a site or other business and then it failed?
This happened many times and because I want to give you hope and show you that sometimes you need to fail before you can succeed, I am going to tell you about my failures.
How to achieve success: A true story about success and failure.
I always believed that the internet was a great source of income, but I wasn’t sure how to be successful online. Every time I thought of a “brilliant” idea, I would implement it right away, but most of my ideas failed.
The first respectmyright.com site failed because it had a really bad design, the programming was horrible, and I was invaded by spammers.
When I started theway2invest.com I was very excited and knew how to be successful, but after writing over 200 articles I was shocked to find that I couldn’t sell any stock market related products through any of the major providers.
2reachsuccess.com was a personal blog that tried to replicate the success of famous bloggers, but it completely failed because I couldn’t drive traffic to it.
Fanstap.com was a site that helps people promote their social media pages, but after months of trying, we never had a single customer, so we decided to quit.
Empowerment.com was a site that offered educational courses, but because I had a lot of personal problems at the time (one of them was losing my money in the stock market) I had to finish the project.
Skinny2muscular.com was a site that helped skinny people build muscle, but it failed because the competition was unbelievable and no one was visiting the page. He knew how to achieve success but it was still far away.
2earn-online.com was a good site, but the niche was very competitive and prevented me from growing like the other big ones. It was partially successful and created few sales.
2knowmyself.com was created and BAM! You know the rest of the story.
Lessons to learn and know how to achieve success.
1. The more you try, the luckier you are.
The more you try and the more you learn, the more luck you will get. Contrary to common belief, luck can be created. You just need to know how.
2. If you don’t give up, you will.
If you keep trying you will succeed. Maybe on the second, third or even fifth try, but in all cases you will succeed.
3. Failure is okay.
It’s completely okay to fail, in fact it’s a must in most cases. Keep this fact in your mind and failures won’t bother you anymore.
I managed to become a millionaire at the age of 28. This did not happen by chance, for 5 years I made it my goal. Becoming rich is not about luck, starting big, or being smart; but to have certain beliefs about money and life.
Creating web pages is essential, whether you want to use them to earn money with them directly or to leverage a product or service that you offer. If you want to know how to make them and don’t know where to start, this step-by-step guide to creating websites is what you need.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.