Leonardo di Caprio brought Jordan Belfort to life on the big screen, a stockbroker who was determined to get everything he wanted. Currently, Jordan is a speaker on personal motivation and entrepreneurship, in addition to being the author of 2 autobiographical books entitled The wolf of Wall Street (which gave rise to the film) and Catching the wolf of wall street.
What can we learn from the man who at 26 was already a billionaire?
6 Teachings of the Wolf of Wall Street.
1. What are you waiting for? Take action now!
It’s okay to visualize in our mind the things we want to achieve, but just imagining them will never reach us; what they will arrive are debts. To achieve success you have to do, move, fail, learn, act!
Also read: How to avoid having debts.
2. Learn to sell.
Entrepreneurs, Jordan has some very sage advice: Learn to sell!
Basically, selling is transferring an emotion and in this way we must convince investors, partners, employees and clients; that our business is a certainty. For example with workers, how do we get other people to work for us with the same motivation as us? Selling them our idea!
Knowing how to sell includes being able to persuade and influence and is something that goes beyond the business world. If you know how to sell an idea, you will get your children to make the bed and brush their teeth without turning around; If you know how to sell, you will get everything you need to make your project a reality.
Also read: 3 tips from millionaire Chris Garner, the man who inspired the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”.
3. He manages to be unconsciously competent.
There are 4 levels of learning:
- Unconsciously incompetent: When you start learning something and you don’t even know what you don’t know.
- Consciously incompetent: When you know that you don’t know and understand where to aim to strengthen your understanding.
- Consciously Competent: When you know how to do things but you need all your concentration to do it. A simple example: As children, tying our shoelaces required a lot of attention; we carefully threaded the shoelaces and completing the task took a long time. Now, it’s not like that.
- Unconsciously competent: When we are excellent at something and can do it without thinking.
The only way to achieve this is by practicing, every day until our brain can achieve it without being aware of it.
“The successful are creators of circumstances, not victims of life”
4. Goals vs Vision.
The problem isn’t setting goals too high and not reaching them, the problem is setting goals too low and reaching them, says Jordan. By reaching simple goals we fall into mediocrity, so it is important to set realistic goals that are outside of our comfort zone. So that? To achieve our vision, which is what really motivates us and makes us get out of bed every day.
The goals are a step by step, the vision is when everything around us changes and only by setting the right goals, we will achieve our dream.
5. Be honest.
It does not refer to honesty within the “work ethic”, it refers to being honest with ourselves when we answer these questions:
- Where we are?
- Where do we want to go?
- How are we going to achieve it?
Only then will the strategies we plan be successful; otherwise, everything will start to build on unstable ground that will cause loss of time and money.
6. Create your destiny.
Most of them think that they are victims of fate and that things just “happen to them”, for Jordan that is a destructive thought, which leads us to do the following 3 things:
- Finding the guilty: When things don’t go the way we want, we start looking for who or what was to blame (family, bosses, economy, government, etc.), and we always find the answer outside of ourselves.
- Justify ourselves: Everything bad that happens to us has an excuse and of course, it is not because of us; It’s because taxes went up, it’s because they didn’t approve our credit, it’s because they were unfair, it’s because, it’s because, it’s because…..
- Complain: When we focus on certain things we begin to attract them. For example, if we focus on being a better salesperson, the reality of becoming better at it starts to get bigger and bigger because we are working towards that goal. In the same way, if we focus on complaining about everything, the only result will be to have bigger and bigger obstacles.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.