Accidents of all kinds occur daily, many resulting in considerable personal injury, sometimes with long-term consequences. In the United States alone, according to data from the Department of Justice of that country, every year around 400,000 cases are filed due to personal injuries, and only 4% are brought to trial.
To achieve positive resolution processes in personal injury cases it is always advisable to seek legal advice. The service of a professional, in this case a lawyer, makes things much easier, since the laws are different in each country and sometimes in each province or state within the same country.
There are also more vulnerable populations and specialized consultancies. For example, in the state of California (USA) there are professionals especially dedicated to helping and advising the Hispanic community in that region, which as is known represents a significant percentage of its total population.
What does a personal injury lawyer offer?
Although all accidents that result in some type of injury have an implicit right to compensation, the claim process and the amount of the same will depend on the short, medium and long-term consequences, and the type of injury suffered. .
No matter what type of accident it is (automobile, motorcycle, defective products, work, taxi, etc.) the victim is entitled to payment based on healing costs, possible sequelae, days of medical leave, etc. In these cases, hiring a professional makes a difference due to the advantages offered by having their services.
Some advantages
- The power of negotiation. In many cases injured people tend to accept the first offer they receive. A lawyer will know if a proposal is fair or not and will be able to negotiate the best possible option, he also has knowledge of the laws of the country and the province.
- Special cases and personalized treatment. Each case is unique. The professional service focuses its attention on the details of the case. When trying to hold another responsible for personal injuries, for example, a company or corporation, they surely have the best legal advice to look after your interests. This is a compelling reason to opt for the help and guidance of a lawyer.
- Fee Options. Many lawyers specialized in this matter work with contingent fees. This means that they get paid if the case is won. It is also common for law firms that offer some type of advice for free.
- Timely handling of information. In the event of going to trial, the lawyer knows the handling and analysis of the files, the interrogation of witnesses, complying with the legal provisions so that the case does not expire, etc. In addition, lawyers generally have a team of investigators and colleagues who support them and can assist in the resolution and analysis of the case.
Attention to vulnerable population
Millions of people around the world see their rights undermined for many reasons, for example, their immigration status. In some cases, employers and contractors may have some form of negligent treatment of workersin the sense of not offering the minimum job security conditions for the fulfillment of functions.
It can also be the case of evasion of responsibilities and abuse of power. Many honest workers are exposed to these conditions in all parts of the world.
Some accidents can cost a lot of money, especially when the damages are caused by accidents in construction or industrial areas. In some cases they require the amputation of some part of the body (fingers, arms, hands, feet, etc.) that permanently disable the worker.
For this reason, legal advice, especially for the most vulnerable groups, is of vital importance. The goal is for the victim to receive fair and adequate financial compensation in relation to suffering, medical expenses, current and future lost wages, etc.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.