Many times it seems that it has been the Coronavirus pandemic that has caused the change towards the predominantly remote work environment towards which we are currently moving. And to a certain extent it is true, the health situation derived from Covid19 has been a boost for many sectors in this sense, especially for companies that were more reticent to this type of modalities, since circumstances have forced them to adopt them to maintain, even if it was low, its productive activity.
This is not usually the case with startups. In these emerging companies, the culture of remote work —as well as other new labor and commercial dynamics on the rise (digital transition and digitization, softening of organizational hierarchies, flexible working hours and hours, etc.)— has always been seen and is often seen with better eyes So much so that some startups were already operating through remote work before the pandemic unfolded its effects.
But what is it about remote work that is so attractive for this type of company? Why is it so appropriate for today’s business environment and foreseeably for the future? What challenges does the adoption of this modality entail? Let’s look at it in a little more detail.
Advantages of remote work for startups.
From the point of view of companies, there are two main factors that explain the convenience of remote work as a work modality to be implemented. On the one hand, we should talk about the issue of costs. Remote work can mean a significant reduction in expenses associated with salaries (both in monetary, bureaucratic and administrative terms), since we will hire only according to the specific needs of each moment. It will also mean, on many occasions, a reduction in the local expense commercial and offices (and of course, in their associated expenses: furniture, equipment, physical security, etc.), since remote work means that these establishments are no longer necessary, or at least not so much.
Another great advantage associated with remote work has to do with the ability of the company to prioritize the hiring of talent over the geographic location. If you’re the right person, using a VPN, like ExpressVPN, is all it takes for people from all over the world to support the startup; something very useful in an increasingly connected and global world.
To this we must add other strengths such as increased flexibility when undertaking or the opportunities for growth and expansion offered by the adoption of these new ways of working. And this only from the point of view of the company; Workers also have an ally in remote work that brings a long list of benefits under their arms!
Of course, the extent of the remote work alternative —which, by the way, can take on various modalities (teleworking, freelance work, and thus adapt to different contexts…)— within the workforce of a company will depend on the specific circumstances of that company; of its sector, its activity, its size, etc.
In any case, the adoption of this modality will require extra attention in certain aspects so that its implementation can be successful. Issues such as talent management and organization, group and team dynamics, and forms of communication, exchange and interaction; pose significant challenges to achieving positive experiences.
It is, after all, a change in culture and business philosophy that will not take hold immediately, but it will need time and care to take root. Perhaps a solution to facilitate the transition is to choose to implement the changes gradually and gradually; or opt for mixed solutions that allow you to benefit from the best of both models.
Be that as it may, and taking into account that there will be many things that will change and to which we will have to adapt with patience, the advantages of remote work are shown as an alternative to be taken into account in more and more commercial environments. It seems that its weight in the business future will be bigger and bigger. And it also seems clear that those most capable of assimilating their vicissitudes will have taken a giant step over their competitors, especially in terms of adaptability and resilience.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.