For the new generations, this film is not so representative. However, it is an incredible source of motivation. That’s why we bring you the best 25 Rocky Balboa phrases to motivate you like never before.
The story of Rocky Balboa, played by Silvester Stallone, tells the life of a boxer who had to overcome different obstacles to reach the top. (Not so different from what an entrepreneur should do)
The interesting thing, beyond the blows; it’s how incredibly motivating it is. If you haven’t seen any of the 7 movies; I recommend them to you. They are an injection of will to fight and get what you want.
This is an amazing part that we uploaded to our Facebook profile.
Life is not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how many hits you can take and keep going! https://www.modoemprendedor.com/
Posted by ModoEmprendedor on Thursday, 26 January 2017
Well, without more to say; These are the best 25 Rocky phrases to motivate you and fight for everything you want to achieve.
25 Rocky Phrases to motivate you like never before.
- Every champion was a contender who decided not to give up.
- No, maybe I can’t win. Maybe all I can do is take everything he has. But to beat me, he’s going to have to kill me. To kill me, you’ll have to have the heart to stand in front of me. And to do that, you must be willing to die; and I don’t know if he’s ready to do that.
- Go one more round when you think you can’t. That is what makes the difference in your life.
- If you and I can change; everyone can change.
- If you know what you’re worth, go out and get what you’re worth.
- You have to be willing to take the hits, and not point fingers that you’re not where you want to be. Cowards do that and that’s not you. You’re better than that!
- Nobody owes anything to anybody. You owe yourself.
- It is your right to listen to your instinct. It’s not okay for someone to say “no” after you’ve earned the right to be where you want, and do what you want to do.
- Let me tell you something you already know. The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very bad and nasty place that will knock you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
- Not you, me, or anyone hits as hard as life.
Rocky phrases #11.
- It’s not how hard you hit; it’s about how much you take the hits and keep going.
- Remember, the mind is your best muscle. Big arms can move rocks, but big words can move mountains.
- If this is something you want to do, and if this is something you must do; then you do. The fighters fight.
- Time beats everyone. Time is unbeatable.
- I stopped thinking the way other people think a long time ago. You have to think like you think.
- You’re going to have to go through hell, worse than any nightmare you’ve ever dreamed of. But when I’m done, I know you’ll be the one standing.
- I’m not the richest, smartest, or most talented person in the world; But I’m successful because I keep going and going and going.
Rocky Quotes #18
- Success is often the culmination of controlling failure.
- Until you start to believe in yourself; you will not have a life.
- One step at a time. One hit at a time. One round at a time.
- That will be the most difficult opponent you have to face.
- You cannot learn anything while you are speaking; it is a fact. While you are talking, you are not listening.
- Every once in a while someone comes along, defies the odds, defies logic; and fulfill incredible dreams.
- If you live in one place for a long time; you become that place.
- I don’t know if you are special. Only you will know if you try.
If you want to know millionaire success phrases, click here!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.