In this article you will know who is Mark Cubanwhat is his story and what was the book that allowed him to start building his fortune.
How much is Mark Cuban’s wealth? Approximately 4.1 billion dollars.
Who is Mark Cuban.
Before he was one of the most beloved panelists on Shark Tank, Mark Cuban already had plenty of money to splurge.
If you don’t know what Shark Tank is, here is a video:
With this clear, let’s continue…
Mark Cuban is the owner of the basketball team, the Dallas Mavericks and has invested wisely on several occasions. In addition, he made several billion from the sale of Broadcast.com in 1999.
But before he earned his first billion, he clearly should have earned his first million. In an interview for Money Magazine, he talked about the book that helped him get it. It’s called “How to Retire Before 35” by Paul Terhorst.
Also read: This is what you need to create a business according to millionaire Mark Cuban.
The book came out in 1988 and its old cover evidences it. Many reviews say that the tips are currently invalid; Despite this, he still has a lot to teach us.
Terhorst presents a very direct strategy. Reduce your expenses and live frugally with much less than what you earn. Invest the rest wisely and stay away from items that represent the “American dream” (more house than you need, better car than you need).
Also read: The 7 deadly sins of finance.
“The premise of the book is that if you can save a million and live like a student; you will be a millionaire and you can retire”.
Mark Cuban told Money Magazine that the secret to having enough money to retire; is to save as much as possible.
Also read: How to save more and have more and more money.
What is the story of Mark Cuban.
That’s what Mark Cuban did early in his career. You’ll be amazed at what this $4.1 billion man did when he was in his 20s to save money:
- Lived with 5 roommates.
- I ate cheese with macaroni.
- He was driving a completely destroyed car.
“I had a Fiat X1/9 with a hole in the floor. That was my decision, I was determined to save money and determined to retire,” he says.
In his day, Mark Cuban said he didn’t do it to get “super rich.” He did it because he wanted to save money to travel, have fun and party like a rock star.
Above all, Cuban told Money Magazine, that reading “How to Retire at 35” taught him to be disciplined with his money. That was the biggest lesson of all when he went from millionaire to billionaire..
“I think it’s possible to have a million dollars in the bank, even if you’re not an entrepreneur,” he says. “There are plenty of strategies for people working their way up the ‘corporate ladder’, or even if they are job hopping.”
You need to be smart and strategic with how you spend your money.
You could be making smart investments in companies that are sure to be successful, as he did. Or, according to Cuban, you could consider making a smart investment in your education—“anything to help you get to the point where you can actually save money,” Cuban says.
A single book can change the way you see and do things. Of course, it is not just about reading and hoping that your life will change.
If you want to know more about him, you can follow his weblog.
Finally, we hope that Mark Cuban’s vision inspires you and you can achieve great results 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.