In this article you will learn how to work less identifying what you have to do, to obtain better results.
Sometimes we wonder why we don’t have more time and the answer will always be the same: We always have time; we just don’t use it correctly.
Isn’t it amazing how big businessmen have huge amounts of money and can have spare time in their schedules to go play golf?
Sure they have had to work hard for years, but the point is that the bigger the empire, the more problems appear; and if they must deal with them personally, they must know how to use their time.
Pareto’s law.
In 1848 Vilfredo Pareto was born in Italy, a man who revolutionized the economy and left a very important legacy: Pareto’s law. Which was conceived when he realized that in Italy 80% of the land belonged to 20% of the population.
Similarly, if we look around us, this principle applies to a lot of things. If we open our closet we will see that 20% of our clothes are used 80% of the time. If we go to a bar we will see that 80% of the beer is drunk by 20% of the drinkers.
Richard Koch, British speaker and author, took Pareto’s law as a starting point and applied the 80/20 ratio to different aspects of life in his bestseller titled 80/20.
How to work less with the 80/20 law
Business application.
When it comes to business, Koch suggests we take a hard look at what’s going on with our projects and take a hard look at where 80% of the revenue comes from.
Possibly 20% of customers. So,why not try to replicate more clients like those and leave aside the other 80% of clients who only give 20% of the income?
Application to personal relationships.
Regarding personal relationships, Koch proposes to carry out the following exercise:
- Make a list of the 20 people you spend the most time with.
- Distribute among them 100% of how well we had.
- Compare how much time we spend with those people.
If we find that people who don’t give us enough are taking a lot of our time; it’s time to do something about it.
Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, said something very valuable that can be perfectly applied to this: We are the average of the 5 people with whom we spend the most time. So let us know very well in whom we invest our time, for the sake of our life and our productivity.
Application to our talents.
Koch also recommends analyzing very well what we are good at. We all have things we can do without a great deal of effort. We ALL have talents. So let’s look at which activities give us 80% results with 20% effort and focus on those.
This 80/20 relationship can be found almost anywhere we see. From the tips on diets, to the pages of a book that actually teach us something.
The mission now is to identify where the 20% of the things we do in our lives are that bring us 80% of positive things and increase our productivity by learning how to work less, but obtaining better results.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.