If you have been following us, the sentence that you will read next will not be anything new for you. One of the keys to significantly improve your finances and secure your future is to generate multiple sources of income. That is why we recommend that you learn how to make money with a blog.
Think about it carefully: What if you lost your job tomorrow and that was your only source of money?
Having multiple sources of income is one of the most effective ways to deal with the ups and downs of the economy; and in general all those factors that are out of your control.
This is the only way that people with money build their fortunes and maintain them over time.
For this reason we want to show you a very economical and proven way to generate a new source of income. Have you heard the term blogging?
What is a blog?
A blog is a web page that shares information on a specific topic (Cooking recipes, losing weight, photography, video games, etc.) and is constantly updated with new content (Articles, videos, photos, infographics, etc.).
A blog is a kind of diary where you can share your knowledge and experiences with other people who have the same interests.
For example. Imagine that you are passionate about photography and you have been learning about the subject for a long time. You have extensive knowledge about cameras, lenses; and you know how to use all the equipment and editing software.
Even if you don’t consider yourself an expert on the subject, for all those who are just starting out; you are an expert. So you decide to create a website where you teach everything you know about photography.
Also read: How to get out of debt and transform it into a 20 million dollar business.
If you know how to train dogs; Do you know tips for traveling around your country? or you are an expert in makeup; you can have your own blog. There are infinite possibilities.
There are millions of people interested in your knowledge and a great way to share it is through a blog. And the most important thing is that you can create a new source of income.
Yes, exactly as you are reading, you can start making money by teaching others about a subject you like and know.
Can I really live from a Blog?
If you’re really passionate about a subject and willing to put in the hard work, it’s definitely a great alternative.
The results will not be given overnight but if you are constant you will never regret having started. Earning relevant amounts of money requires a lot of work and few achieve it, however, in what project or job do you not have to work hard?
It is important that you keep this in mind because we do not want to generate false expectations. 80% of blogs end up abandoned in a couple of months and of those that continue, the same percentage have incomes of less than $100 per month.
This is not for you to get discouraged, on the contrary, it is for you to know that these results occur because people give up easily… but we know that you will not. if you’re reading this; you are different.
How to win money with a blog.
A blog has different ways of being monetized. The first and most common is advertising. platforms like google adsense They allow you to display banners on your blog with advertising from other companies. You will earn money for every click your audience makes on these banners (like the one below).
Another way to monetize your blog is creating and selling online courses. If you manage to receive 50 visitors a day on your website; take advantage of this traffic and ask them exactly what they want and create a course based on this information.
There are platforms like udemy.com that allow you to create your own courses and sell them.
If your audience is interested in how to train pitbulls and you know how to do it; could you record a step by step of how you did it with your dog. Your cell phone and video editing software will be enough to create a video course and so don’t believe it; You will always find clients interested in learning from you.
you might as well write an Ebook and use Amazon’s Kindle platform to sell it. Amazon is getting bigger and bigger and more people in Latin America are starting to use it.
The best thing about writing an ebook and selling it on Amazon is that there are already millions of people who could become potential customers. (Amazon is just one of the many platforms you can use to sell it)
Another highly recommended method is affiliate marketingwhich allows you to offer your audience other people’s products and receive a commission in return.
Platforms like Amazon, Clickbank, Zanox, Afilinet and Commission Junction offer you the possibility of creating your own links, and every time someone buys a product through your link, you can take part of the profits.
The minimum commission for digital products is 50%, that is, if you promote a $300 product, $150 will be yours. Not bad for selling a product that you didn’t invest money to create.
It is important that you promote products that you actually know. It is clear that you want to monetize, but you have an audience that needs Quality information. Make sure you offer useful products/services; is to strengthen the relationship with your audience and will ultimately translate into more sales.
There are many other sources of income to monetize a blog. However, these are some of the most important and those that can bring you income relatively quickly.
Finally, keep in mind that to generate extra income with a blog you need:
- Choose a topic that you like and/or have knowledge about.
- Create a blog. (If you want to know how to do it click here)
- Create valuable content for your audience.
- Start posting this content on your website and social networks.
- Connect with your audience and gain their trust.
- Acquire an autoresponder service so that you have direct contact with your readers. (If you want to know how to do it click here)
- With the traffic you get, start generating money.
Although “blogging” is a very broad topic, I hope we have cleared up some of your doubts and we have shown you a new way to generate other sources of income. We will be posting more detailed articles on this topic.
If you want to know how to create a blog, click on the following link. Step by step guide: How to create a blog easy and fast.
In short, you help others and earn money. This is how we do it in ModoEmprendedor 🙂
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.