In this article you will know the history of neeraj agarwal and how he was able to win his first million dollars. You will see that it is not impossible.
Can you imagine having enough money to not have to worry about anything? Can you imagine being able to dedicate yourself to what you like the most because your needs are covered and safe?
Regardless of our beliefs, ideals, and goals, this would be a dream situation for anyone.
But how do you get to that point where money is not a problem? What should you do to become a millionaire?
In monetary terms, the word millionaire means having possession of a million or more. However, a million in current Latin American currencies is not really a significant amount. For this reason, it is key that you think in dollars; no matter where in the world you are.
Also read: Only in these two ways can you become a millionaire.
With this in mind, we can ask the right question. How can you make your first million dollars?
As Neeraj Agarwal, founder of InkThemes explains for the Quora portal, having $1,000,000 in your bank account sounds difficult. However, there are ways to achieve it.
When you think of 1 MILLION, you imagine an impossible amount of money to reach. As a consequence, Neeraj Agarwal claims that the best way to view this sum as something achievable, is to divide it into small parts.
In this way, at the beginning of 2012 Neeraj Agarwal set himself the goal of obtaining the sum of 1 million dollars and this is what he did to achieve it. Pay close attention.
How it started.
The first step was to divide this sum into months and then into days. This is approximately $83,000 a month and $2,500 a day.
Obviously, $2,500 dollars a day continues to be a considerable sum for a common person in Latin America. However, if you apply the following logic you will realize that it is not impossible to achieve.
What if you have a product worth $50 and you manage to sell 50 units in one day? It is a simple calculation. This is one way of looking at it. However, there is an even better way to make this million dollars a more attainable sum.
Also read: How to convert $300 dollars into 60 million in just 2 years.
Think and plan your strategy
Imagine that you can provide a service where each of your clients must pay a sum of $45 each month. In this way you only need 2000 clients to have $1,000,000 in your account in a year.
If you receive $45 a month for your services, a single client pays you $540 a year.
Suppose your product or service is great and many people start using it. Among millions of people around the world, getting 2,000 clients is not as difficult as you imagine.
$540 x 2000= $1,080,000.
Looking at it from this perspective, this goal that sounded impossible now makes a little more sense. However, something very important is missing. What product or service can I offer these 2,000 customers?
Examples of millionaire products.
There are many services that can serve as an example.
- Lynda is a service that offers online courses. With a monthly fee of $25 dollars, your clients can access all your video tutorials so you can learn new skills or improve the ones you already have.
- Amazon Instant Video and Netflix. They offer their services for approximately $7.99 and already have millions of subscribers around the world.
//Click here for 11 amazing motivational movies on Netflix//
If it seems to you that it is better to sell a physical product and apply the strategy of selling 50 products, these examples can help you:
- Spyguysecurity.com is an online store for spy cameras, created by Allen Walton at the age of 27. It currently offers a wide variety of surveillance products such as hidden cameras, GPS trackers, and mobile phone monitoring devices.
- MVMT Watches is an online watch store, where they offer watches of excellent quality and design at affordable prices. Their products range from approximately $95 to $140.
With which product Neeraj Agarwal made his first million dollars.
Neeraj Agarwal is a clear example of this strategy. His company Inkthemes.com is an online store that offers products for WordPress. (WordPress is a platform that allows its clients to create web pages).
Neeraj Agarwal offers his products for $59, but also gives the opportunity to have access to all the material for $147.
Nothing is impossible! You just need to find something to sell. With persistence you can achieve everything you set your mind to.
We hope that with these examples and the analysis above, you will get a little more motivated and set your mind for success.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.