In this article you will learn 4 tips to learn how to sleep intelligently.
If someone told us that they have the secret to increasing your productivity, reducing stress levels, improving our health, giving us more energy and even losing weight, would we listen? Absolutely! And the surprising thing is that we only have to change one thing in our lives… and that is to learn to sleep smart.
Lack of sleep is linked to accelerated aging, Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, and many other negative conditions. Even in a study carried out in 2012, it was found that people who sleep at least 8 hours a night lose weight more easily than those who sleep less than 6 hours.
in his book Sleep SmarterShawn shares some tips to start sleeping better from tonight, whether you have problems with insomnia or just want to have a much healthier life.
Also read: How many hours do I need to sleep to function at 100%
How to sleep smart.
1. Get more sunlight!
Melatonin is found in animals, bacteria, fungi and plants, a hormone whose one of its functions is to control the sleep cycle. Its production is highly related to the amount of light we are exposed to, so it is important to receive high amounts of light during the day and few at night.
What is the last thing you do before going to bed and the first thing you do when you wake up? Most likely check the cell phone. Computers, smartphones and other electronic devices emit blue light that induces the body to generate hormones such as cortisol (stress hormone) and this causes our sleep cycle to be altered. That is why it is important to turn them off at least an hour before bed.
Tools like f.lux allow you to dim the blue light emitted by devices based on the time of day. Thus, as it gets darker, the screen will take on a warmer color that will facilitate a good sleep.
Since version 9.3 of iOS, this functionality is included and you can find it at Settings/Display & Brightness/Night shift.
2. Create a habit.
Going to bed at the same time every day is essential to regulate our sleep cycle. Shawn recommends being asleep between 10 pm and 2 am, since the secretion of hormones and general recovery is more intense.
It is proven that the best sleeping environment should have maximum darkness. It is not enough to use a mask; Our skin has receptors that identify light and can send signals to the brain that interfere with our sleep.
3. Avoid alcohol.
It is true that after having consumed liquor we can fall asleep more easily, the point is that the quality of sleep is not the best and that is why after a few good beers when we wake up our body and mind do not feel completely rested.
Our sleep consists of 5 stages, the 5th and deepest is known as REM sleep; the problem is that we can enter REM sleep only after having metabolized alcohol.
4. Don’t eat before bed.
Shawn recommends not eating anything for at least 90 minutes before bedtime, longer is better. Especially if carbohydrates are consumed, since at the time of intake there will be spikes in blood sugar that will make it difficult to fall asleep.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.