Conventional education has been in charge of preparing us in an inefficient way for the challenges that we must face as human beings. They usually focus on areas of knowledge that most of us don’t use and ignore vital topics; like learning how to project more leadership.
This isn’t just from academia; many of our parents didn’t teach us either. Probably because their parents didn’t do it with them.
The family is more concerned that we are good people. Its objective is to instill in us values and qualities that allow us to better fit into society. But just like conventional education, they leave out topics that are of great importance.
What makes leaders successful?
This question was asked by Patryk Wezowski, author of the bestseller Micro Expressions and co-founder of Center of Body Language.
His grandfather was a successful business man. He knew how to say the right words at the right time. His father was a fencing coach; a sport in which reading the opponent’s movements is essential to emerge victorious. And he, due to hearing impairment, always relied on the body language of others to camouflage his condition.
These 3 factors marked the path of Patryk’s life, who along with Kasia, his wife, have become world leaders in body language training.
They have been given the task of demonstrating how body language is vital to learning how to project more leadership and can predict a person’s success. To the point of predicting with certainty the winner of the electoral contests in countries like the United States, Belgium and Colombia.
The big advantage is that we can train him and learn how to project more leadership!
It is clear that a gesture will not make you president, but it is inevitable to accept that good use of body language is directly related to success.
In the search to solve the question: What makes leaders successful? Patryk found that leaders understand the body language of others.
They have the facility to detect signals and act accordingly. In addition, they know how to project what they want without saying a word and they understand what to do at the right time.
Have you seen that leaders always remain optimistic? It is clear that a discouraged group will not meet its objective in the best way, that is why it is the leader’s job to exhibit positivity.
For this reason Patryk and Kasia have analyzed the micro expressions and body language of great leaders and have detected 6 common traits. Which will teach you how to project more leadership. In addition to making you look like a more confident, persuasive and charismatic person: characteristics that will bring you closer to success.
How to project more leadership.
1. The box
They call it, “The Clinton Box.” This is because at the beginning of him, the former American president Bill Clinton, when giving his speeches, moved his hands in very wide spaces and did not favor him.
Over time, he understood what was happening and began to project more confidence by performing more controlled movements, limited to his chest and stomach.
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2. Holding the ball
Steve Jobs used to make this gesture. He demonstrates leadership through control and projects mastery of the subject at hand.
3. Pyramid hands
By having our hands in this position we project security and tranquility. When the hands are restless and fly all over the place, our body screams that we are nervous, so it is important to control them.
You have to be careful, using this position a lot will make us go from confident to conceited.
4. Wide stance
Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, says that people who feel confident have expansive positions. In other words, your body occupies the space it can occupy. The winners stretch out their arms, the timid shrug their shoulders.
In the same way, how we stand says a lot about us. Kasia’s advice is to have your feet at the same distance from the shoulders, this shows control and security.
5. Palms up
When the palms of our hands face up, it makes our words seem more honest and transparent. Open hands tell others that we have nothing to hide.
6. Palms down
Kasia says it’s also a positive stance, as it shows strength and control.
The body is like a child, if you don’t educate it, it will get out of control. You can start with small steps like applying the 6 tips above, and make it a habit through practice.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.