No matter what you want to achieve in your life, you will surely have to learn how to make sacrifices. You know why?
- Having a successful career or a great company requires a lot of work.
- Having a good body requires exercise and food that you are most likely not going to like.
- Valuable relationships require trust and commitment.
In fact, anything worthwhile requires doing things you may not want to do. For this reason, few achieve great goals. The bigger they are, the more things you don’t want to do. Although this sounds difficult, it doesn’t have to be.
Unfortunately, the easiest and most pleasant things are the least beneficial. That’s why we like junk food and sugar so much; and for the same reason sitting on the couch watching TV all day can be so addictive and relaxing.
After all, your brain is telling you that you deserve it.
If you want to change this situation, we recommend the following.
How to make sacrifices.
1. Understand that you are not your thoughts.
I used to take my thoughts very seriously. As soon as one of them appeared in my mind, I immediately perceived it and assumed it as a truth.
If a thought told me that I was bored or tired, I blindly believed in it. However, over time I have learned that I don’t always have to listen to my thoughts, I must first learn to identify them. My mind is nothing more than a suggestion box.
Understanding that the brain by nature seeks the easy path has generated big differences in my behavior and of course in my results.
Currently when my mind tells me “you’re tired, you should take a nap” or “that’s too hard to do, this is easier” I just thank it for the suggestion and continue with what I’m doing.
Also read: How to become an unstoppable person.
2. Learn This: Stimulus, Perception, Response.
It’s not the discomfort that stops you, it’s the way you perceive it.
Your beliefs determine your responses and whatever you choose to believe is under your control. You can assign whatever meaning you want to the word discomfort and since before I thought it was a signal to stop me, that’s what I did.
Currently it is a signal that tells me that I should continue. I decided that every time I feel uncomfortable, it’s because I’m in a place I’ve never been, learning something new, experiencing new sensations. As silly as it sounds, stepping out of your comfort zone will make you feel uncomfortable.
3. Exercise your will muscle.
The will is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it will be. If you practice enough, you can change your behaviors and everything around you. You will be able to do what others fear to do and you will be able to walk away from the things that others cannot stop doing. That level of control is exactly what you need to be a successful person and have extraordinary results.
4. Practice voluntary discomfort.
This best way to practice mental stamina. Here are some examples.
These are just some ideas to train your mental resistance. Pick one and commit to doing it. If your will is low, you don’t need to set yourself impossible goals, start by making your bed every morning without fail, or reading a page of a book daily or doing 20 sit-ups before going to bed.
How to do what you don’t want to do?
If you think you are not one of those people who can practice voluntary discomfort and you don’t know how to make sacrifices; keep in mind that the you that you must control is the one that is telling you that you are not that person.
Remember that it is not an absolute truth, what your mind tells you is just a suggestion. If you continue, even if your mind tells you not to, nothing will have power over you.
Every time you overcome an uncomfortable situation, you will notice that you will be a little stronger. Even those awkward moments will start to become part of those you enjoy.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.