The first thing we must ask ourselves is if perfectionism is good.
Some professionals would argue that yes, what could be wrong with holding yourself and others to the highest standards? Others, however, would say no and point to studies showing that perfectionism can lead to a crippling fear that induces failure. Also, if the aspirations are so high and can never be met, it can’t be good for productivity and mental health.
Who is right?
New research shows a surprising answer.
The analysis of 43 studies on perfectionism was carried out by a team led by York University St Professor Andrew Hill.
The link between perfectionism and burnout was specifically examined, but while the ability of perfectionist tendencies to accumulate stress is interesting, if not outright surprising, another aspect of the results is even more intriguing.
The bad side of perfectionism…
According to Hill and his team, there are actually two types of perfectionism: one good and one VERY bad. The difference between the two comes down to whether a perfectionist’s standards are high or impossibly high. If you’re setting yourself up for continued failure, setting goals so high that no human could ever reach them, then that amounts to the wrong kind of perfectionism.
Negative perfectionism is “when people constantly worry about making mistakes, putting others off, or failing to measure up to their own standards,” according to the research. The consequences of this unremitting sense of failure and worry are bleak. Being this kind of perfectionist “can contribute to serious health problems like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, fatigue, and even early mortality.” Or in other words, one can speak of an accelerated death. Oh, and in addition to early death, it also leads to burnout at work.
…and the good side of perfectionism.
While this kind of bad perfectionism seems scary, there is another kind of perfectionism that isn’t bad at all. If instead of constantly failing to meet your own expectations and worrying about it, you simply insist on doing your best, you have nothing to worry about, according to Hill and his fellow researchers. In fact, it is very likely that you are a positive professional.
This aspect of perfectionism “involves setting high personal standards and working toward those goals in a proactive manner. These efforts can help maintain a sense of accomplishment and delay the debilitating effects of burnout,” the study revealed.
If you suspect perfectionist tendencies, this could be a time for self-reflection. If you fit more into the description of “good” perfectionism, move on. But if, on the other hand, you have to admit that “bad” perfectionism sounds more familiar, the research strongly suggests that you need to keep your almost impossible standards in check.
So, are you a perfectionist of good or bad?
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