In this article you will know 5 tips to learn how to listen correctly so you can actually learn from others.
Listening has become secondary for the vast majority, we prefer to talk and ignore the opinion of others. However, we cannot forget that knowing how to listen we connect with our environment and learn from the people around us.
On our way to success we meet people with great experience and only by knowing how to listen correctly can they teach us great things.
As an entrepreneur, knowing how to listen to your customers and employees will bring you innumerable benefits that will be reflected in the growth of your business.
Also, you must remember that what is important is not what you know, since that information already belongs to you; the important thing is what you can extract from the minds of those around you.
For this it is necessary that, regardless of the type of communication, your actions demonstrate interest in knowing said information. Below, we present some tips so that you know how to listen and thus be able to learn more and faster.
How to listen correctly to learn from others.
1. Get into a “listening mode.”
For Julian Treasure, a British author who is an expert in communication, there are 3 ways of listening:
- Thoughtful: In this mode the receiver is fully connected to the transmitter. And he does it by reflecting on and summarizing the information he hears; to show the issuer that you are paying your full attention.
- Critical: We see this mode a lot in business. In this case, the word “critical” does not refer to criticizing what we hear; It refers to being very critical in filtering the relevant information very well and following the conversation accordingly.
- reductive: The objective of this listening mode is to bring the conversation to a desired end. Like when you want to convince the other person of something. You ask her a few questions, and slowly lead her where you want; until you finally draw a conclusion and the topic of conversation is closed.
Depending on the listening mode you adopt, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to interrupt to give your opinion. Or direct the fate of the conversation.
Here you must be very careful, since the last thing you want is for the interlocutor to feel that they cannot express themselves or that their opinion is worthless.
Try not to leave the other person with broken words. If possible, let him finish speaking and keep in mind that the more you listen to him, the more knowledge you will have about him; and therefore, of his ideas.
2. Be careful with non-verbal communication.
If you want the interlocutor to feel listened to, you must take into account that your body lets him know whether or not you are interested in what you are listening to.
Reactions such as crossing your arms, checking your cell phone, or being more focused on the conversation at the next table; they yell at the interlocutor: “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU’RE SAYING!”
So hold their gaze, smile, and nod occasionally to give the other person free rein to continue expressing themselves. If the conversation gets long and you can’t interrupt it, be patient and don’t neglect your body language.
3. Ask questions.
If you are listening attentively, you are able to ask questions that make the other person understand that you are paying attention.
In addition, the type of questions you ask will reflect many things about your ability to understand, without the need for you to talk too much. Which will make you look smarter.
4. Create the habit of listening.
We are not used to listening carefully because we live surrounded by noise and isolate ourselves in our hearing aids.
In addition, we have the bad habit of thinking that we know more than others and we do not listen carefully. So it’s time to practice, let your guard down and make it a habit to listen before you speak.
5. Difference between hearing and listening.
we hear all the time, be it wind or traffic. It is an unconscious process from which we cannot escape. Nevertheless, listen it requires us to be aware.
So if you’re going to listen, stay focused and make sure you understand what they’re saying. In this way you give more value to your time and that of others, making your conversations productive. You don’t want to be that person that people avoid because they feel like they’re going to waste their time.
Learning how to listen opens the door to a lot of knowledge. Also, it boosts your social skills and makes you a much more interesting person. And best of all, it is very easy to learn.
I hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.