You may have wondered: Am I an entrepreneur?
Either because you have not tried to create your own business or because you already started and you have not achieved the results you are looking for.
The reality is that there are many variables that will tell you if you can really say “I am an entrepreneur”, and they go beyond having your own business. Even a person capable of creating a business may not be an entrepreneur. let me explain.
One of the main characteristics of the entrepreneur is his resilience. You may be lucky and create a business very quickly, the question is what will happen when there are problems, what will happen when what started as paradise turns into hell.
It is in the long term that you will know if you are an entrepreneur or not. But if you want to start clearing up your doubts without having to create a company and see what happens, check this list. If you have these characteristics, you will be able to shout to the world: I am an entrepreneur!
How do I know if I am an entrepreneur?
1. You feel confident in yourself.
This is not about never feeling insecure, but if you put on a scale what weighs more, your security or your insecurities, you know where you should lean.
Feeling good will project you as a much more capable person, this study shows.
2. You are willing to take risks.
If you can say with complete certainty: I am an entrepreneur, it is because you are close to risk.
Undertaking is not a step by step that you follow to the letter. It is very likely that you should take a risk after planning and minimizing risks. Learn about 4 reasons why you should take a risk right now.
3. You can dream big…
Visualizing “the end of the road” allows you to create a plan. It also makes you understand that each step you take must go in a specific direction.
4. …and you value small steps.
An entrepreneur understands that big goals are reached with small steps. That is why they value each small victory and understand that each one is an injection of motivation.
It might interest you: 100 phrases to motivate every entrepreneur.
5. You like to plan.
If you like to take charge of the organization and planning in your day to day, you show leadership and delegation skills: 2 characteristics that great entrepreneurs share.
6. You adapt to discomfort.
Undertaking is full of awkward and difficult moments. Anyone who can say “I am an entrepreneur” has surely faced situations that take them out of their comfort zone, but regardless, they do their best to always deliver the best results.
7. You are more interested in education than entertainment.
In general, our free time is spent on entertainment. But an entrepreneur understands the importance of preparing day by day and knows that free time can be used to learn new things.
8. You value smart work.
It is clear that an entrepreneur can work hard, but that is not why he can give better results. What does guarantee it is knowing how to work intelligently. An entrepreneur is in a constant search for tools and strategies that allow them to optimize their time and cover more tasks more quickly.
9. You don’t need a boss.
One of the most difficult things to undertake is that you are the one who decides what to do next. Unlike a job, in which a superior almost always indicates where the projects are headed, when undertaking an undertaking you must be totally proactive, otherwise, you will not advance.
10. You understand failure.
Pretending to undertake without knowing failure is outrageous. Regardless of our excellent planning and attention to detail, there are many variables that can change and harm us.
The important thing is to understand that it is possible for it to happen and to be able to get up, learn from mistakes and continue with a firmer step.
11. You want to find solutions to everything.
An entrepreneur is confident in his ability to discern and wants to use it often. He sees it as a practice for his ability to think differently and find solutions where others only see problems.
12. You can work anywhere.
Working to advance is a requirement that cannot always be met from the comfort of an office. An entrepreneur understands this and is prepared to work anywhere, since he has the disposition and the necessary tools.
Also read: 6 tips to work from home and do it like a professional.
13. You can do the dirty work.
Do you have to make a call to a client and only you dare to make it? Do you have to improvise a bit in a presentation and are you the one who puts up your chest and takes risks? If you want to say “I’m an entrepreneur,” you have to be able to do the work that no one else wants to do.
14. You feel comfortable in isolation.
You will spend nights and nights doing things that no one will do for you. This implies a deep understanding of why you are doing it so that motivation is always with you.
15. You like debate.
Listening, understanding how others think and then giving your point of view is something that all entrepreneurs do. Whether with partners, workers, or investors, you should always know how to listen to find the other person’s “pain points” and make your words serve a clear purpose.
It might interest you: How to speak in public (21 strategies)
16. You have an interest in other people.
Entrepreneurs are characterized by wanting to know others. They like to know what you think. Your relationship with others is a search for knowledge and opportunities.
17. You are enthusiastic about new ideas.
You are one of those who listens to a new idea and does not stop thinking about everything that could be derived from it. You also know business models and what you think you try to land on a “doable” plane.
18. You hang out with people smarter than you.
You understand who to share your time with to get the most out of your relationships. People smarter than you will reduce your learning curve and therefore you will achieve better results in less time.
19. You respect your commitments.
Undertaking requires not only planning, but also compliance with what is planned. If you have a detailed to-do list, you prioritize that list and don’t get distracted by what comes out.
20. As a child you had a “mini venture”.
Many parents inadvertently teach their children habits of poverty. But some instill a very valuable lesson: Money does not fall from the sky.
If you sold candy, lemonade or like me, bootleg CDs, as a kid; that lesson became very clear to you.
21. You always look for opportunities.
You have your projects so present that everything you see is a possible opportunity to enhance them. People who know how to read enough do so because they understand the world of possibilities accessed in books.
When they talk to others, they see advertisements on the street, they watch documentaries… in short, in everything they see, they look for opportunities to improve.
If you like to read, these books in Spanish for entrepreneurs will be of great help.
22. You enjoy research.
Entrepreneurship requires being self-taught. You can know a lot about a subject, but surely you don’t know enough about all the areas to be able to create a business, so you must investigate how to do many things.
23. You follow more motivation profiles than people.
Instagram is an incredible platform, but you know that you can get more out of it by filling yourself with motivation by following the indicated profiles, instead of seeing the photos of your neighbor’s birthday.
24. You have differences with the current education system.
You understand the shortcomings of current education. Usually, they prepare us to be the best employee we can be, but you understand that there are essential areas for entrepreneurship that your professors never thought to teach you.
25. You like variety.
You understand that trying new things and getting to know new places expands your perspective and that gives you new possibilities to open your mind and improve your projects.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.