On your way as an entrepreneur you will have to cross many obstacles and one of the biggest ones can be yourself if you do not project security. No one is going to invest in your project if you don’t seem sure of your ideas. But calm down, security is something you can work on, so read carefully how to increase your self-esteem:
How to increase your self-esteem and be more sure of yourself.
1. Identify the causes
When you’re talking to your lifelong friends, you’re not insecure. Why? It may be because you are not afraid of being judged or simply because there is no risk of failure. It is certainly different when you are going to meet investors and you want them to get the best impression of you and your project.
Your voice may shake and your hands start to sweat and your self-esteem may drop; that’s when you should be aware of what is happening and why your body reacts that way. Put your ego aside and identify the causes.
2. Insecurity is your ally
Once the causes have been identified, you must work on your weaknesses. Day after day you will find yourself in situations where your security is affected for different reasons and it is possible that you make a poor presentation or do not project everything positive in front of a potential partner. You will not always be able to feel 100% secure, but if you can get used to living with discomfort, outside your comfort zone, that is what will make you overcome your insecurities little by little and work on your self-esteem.
If the problem is that you don’t feel confident about your image and the reaction is not being able to hold your gaze, practice and practice, look for all possible obstacles and don’t give up until you’re stronger than your insecurity!
No one becomes secure overnight, like everything, it is a process.
3. Be positive
Body language does not let a concerned person go unnoticed. It is your decision to see the positive or negative side of things. What you think is what you project and if you see that others are not getting a good impression of you, your insecurities will begin to grow. Sometimes it’s more important how people see you than what you’re saying.
4. Relive your successes
In moments of success you have felt invincible, you have a smile and your chest is held high. This is exactly what you need to project security and since this sensation is not unknown to you, do your best to internalize it when you are going to face new situations and thus you will increase your self-esteem. If it’s in line with the conversation, talk about your successes, what you were saying and how you looked; without crossing the line into arrogance. Show your strengths and your weaknesses will not have to be exposed.
Never forget to listen carefully and smile. She also remembers that posture is essential, as the psychologist says amy cuddy, the proper posture will not only make you look like a more confident person, it will begin to transform you into a more confident person. If you want to know more about the subject, click here.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.