Currently, few people are aware of the importance of educating children to be entrepreneurs; and the schools focus on teaching them to look for a job, to become lawyers or architects.
All business-related skills are being overlooked; that can also lead them to be successful people and contributors for a better future.
then you will wonder how to educate my son to create a business…
How to educate my son to create a business and be an entrepreneur.
Cameron Herold, is one of the most valued speakers of the MIT Entrepreneurial Masters Program and former COO of the largest residential garbage disposal companies.
He increased his revenue from $2 million to $106 million in 6 years and is a mentor to CEOs and entrepreneurs around the world.
Cameron tells in his TED Talk “Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs”, how his father quickly detected that school was not for him and began to educate him to be an entrepreneur.
In his childhood he learned concepts such as: buy wholesale and sell at a better price, have employees and encourage them, find opportunities, differentiate a good service from a bad one; among others.
He highlights that children can highlight skills that reflect whether they have entrepreneurial material. In addition, he points out that just as a child who has math skills can be prepared from school to be a physicist; a child with the ability to negotiate can be prepared to be an entrepreneur.
Also, mention some skills that should be cultivated in infants.
Skills that should be instilled in children.
This does not mean that it is wrong for them to be taught to be lawyers or engineers, but it does show their desire to give entrepreneurship the importance and place it deserves.
So mention the following skills as important items in the education of children:
Are parents preparing their children in the best way? Are they giving them the necessary tools to face the future?
Louis Hill, COO and co-founder of goHenry (a learning app on money management for teenagers), highlights 4 activities that parents should do to encourage entrepreneurship in children’s education. And that in addition, they will allow you to instill in your children the skills that we saw before.
4 strategies to know how to educate my son to create a business.
1. Give them something to lead.
Although leadership seems to be a quality you are born with, parents can do a lot to develop this trait.
Give them the responsibility of organizing simple activities: such as planning family activities such as picnics, or making a list of items to bring to play in the park. This will teach them what it takes to be in front of a team.
2. Make them feel comfortable with risk.
It is important to tell them that they can take risks, that it does not matter if things go wrong; they will be supported and have more chances to try again.
A pivotal moment in Lauren’s life was when her father assured her that it didn’t matter what happened; she was always going to have a bed at home if things didn’t go as planned.
3. Motivate them to ask.
For many parents it is exhausting when their children question everything they see. Why does the dog bark? Or why is the house white? Or why do I have two eyes? (I’ve never heard of that one but it would be interesting to hear the parent’s response).
But they do not see that it is there when their children develop the capacity for understanding.
4. Encourage them to dream.
No matter how far-fetched the ideas they may come up with; it is useless to put the “adult logic” that will end up demotivating them.
Lauren gives the following example. If your son wants to build the fastest car on the planet, don’t discourage him by telling him he can’t; Instead, buy him a science book, take him to an engineering museum, or do whatever else will fuel his ideas and imagination.
Beyond that they turn out to be great entrepreneurs; instilling this kind of knowledge will facilitate any activity they carry out at work.
Hope this solves your question how to educate my son to create a business.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.