Reed, one of the largest personnel recruitment companies in the United Kingdom, revealed a study carried out on more than 300 firms in this country, where it investigates what companies want to see when selecting a Curriculum Vitae and which are the most common errors to be discarded.
1. The most important thing in a Curriculum Vitae
According to the study carried out by Reed, the three most important things for companies are related to presentation.
First, the resume must have a logical order. The description of your personal data should appear, followed by a very short introduction about your professional profile. Next you must list your studies and finally name your professional experience.
On the other hand, the use of bullets is highly recommended, since it gives a simple and organized format to this document and allows companies to read it easily.
Finally, the length of the curriculum should not be more than 3 pages. Some candidates tend to include too much information to impress employers, however this often has the opposite effect. Recruiters don’t have time to read four or five pages about your professional life, so keep it simple and short if you want to be successful.
2. What is the perfect resume?
Today there are many formats to create a resume, however, the best program to present them is still Microsoft Word. Similarly, find an easy-to-read font style for businesses. Do not choose a very small style in order to fit more information on fewer pages. Remember to write only what is absolutely relevant to getting the job. The perfect length is two sheets.
3.What are the 5 mistakes when presenting a resume?
- The first one is quite simple but it seems to be more common than it seems. That’s right, spelling and grammar mistakes. Read your resume carefully to correct any mistakes you may have made, and be sure to use a spell checker when writing it. This is the number 1 reason for 50% of applications being discarded.
- Another common mistake is a candidate lacking the required qualifications for the job. Applying for vacancies that have no relation to your studies or previous professional experience causes your CV to be immediately discarded.
- Third, again the error in the format, disorder in the pages and lack of numbering among others, makes it difficult for companies to understand and select your resume.
- Making a very generic application that was not designed specifically for the role to which it is being applied. A good tip is to first look at the required specifications of the vacancy. Highlight those on your resume that you find relevant to getting the job.
- Finally it becomes more and more common to attach a cover letter along with your resume. On the internet there are several options that will help you according to your profession.
4. Some phrases that you should avoid putting on your CV
According to the companies, these phrases seem repetitive and do not generate any added value to your CV.
- “I like to socialize with my friends.”
- “I am good at working in a team and also individually”
- “I enjoy going to the movies and walking on the beach”
On the contrary, show your qualities by citing examples in which these skills have contributed in some way to resolving a conflict or contributing to your previous jobs.
And at the end of an application or interview….
You should always remember to follow up on any application or interview you do. If you haven’t had a response after a few days, be proactive and send an email followed by a phone call thanking you for the opportunity and asking about the outcome of your application. 82% of employers think that this generates a positive image of the candidate.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.