Reading is definitely a fundamental tool for every entrepreneur. It is true that only practice and action can lead you to create a business, however, the market offers you a large number of copies, published by people with great experience, to facilitate your path and Don’t make the same mistakes as other entrepreneurs they have comitted.
Unfortunately, most of the texts on entrepreneurship are in English, however, we have found which ones you can read in Spanish.
He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot. Miguel de Cervantes Click To Tweet
1. The 7 habits of highly effective people (Spanish Edition) Author: Stephen Covey.
This book, first published in 1989, and with more than 15 million copies worldwide, has managed to stay on the market for more than 20 years. It is the top of the books that any business person should read.
Also read: How to have the self-discipline to read at least 1 book per month.
Convey is based on the exposition of different principles and paradigms whose understanding helps us to understand different everyday situations.
These 7 habits seek to guide the reader towards the fulfillment of their objectives and the resolution of problems with maximum effectiveness.
To do this, it focuses on recognizing those habits that make us dependent and what processes must be followed to become independent, how to interact with other people and how to maintain continuous improvement both personally and interpersonally.
2. The black book of the entrepreneur (Spanish Edition) Author: Fernando Trias de Bes
What are the main reasons why an entrepreneur fails? It is the main question that Trias tries to answer throughout this book. This author exposes the main mistakes that the entrepreneur makes on his way, as well as how discouraging a defeat can be when starting. To achieve his objective, this author focuses on the description of the person who undertakes, the partners, the business idea the family situation of the entrepreneur and the management of growth.
3.Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.
Author: Daniel H. Pink
The general paradigm in which “you work for me to pay you, if I pay you more you will work more, if I offer you incentives you will go the extra mile…”, has a different perspective in this book.
Pink wants to demonstrate through scientific research that efficient performance can be achieved without special or external incentives, on the contrary, what really motivates us is that human feeling of wanting to direct our lives, learning and creating new things for ourselves. themselves. The full version on Amazon is only in English, but you can purchase the summary of the book in Spanish.
4. Think and Get Rich (Spanish Edition) Author: Napoleon Hill.
This book, published in 1937, years after the great depression, has managed to sell more than 70 million copies in the world. It has been revolutionary in terms of self-help, building wealth and achieving goals.
His general idea is based on the change of mentality in which the desire to have money is not enough to obtain it, self-direction, organized planning, autosuggestion and intelligent associations are required, among others, to achieve it.
“Every achievement, every wealth earned has its beginning in an idea.” This book gives you free rein to the creation of ideas and the understanding that everything that the mind conceives can be achieved.
5. Little capitalist pig. Investments (Spanish Edition) Author: Sofia Macias
This is a didactic book where you will learn to make the most of the money you have right now. It is an introduction to managing personal finances, regardless of whether you have no knowledge of them.
With this book you will learn about topics such as saving, its importance and how to achieve it, investment and allocations of your income. For this, Sofía offers examples from real life, as well as she also demonstrates how ordinary people, without large amounts of money, can do extraordinary things through good money management.
6. The E-myth company. How to turn a great idea into a prosperous business (Spanish Edition) Author: Michael E. Gerber
This is a classic in the business world, this bestseller has been revised and updated to keep you up to date with its theory. This book describes some of the most common myths about starting your own business.
Gerber, drawing from his experience as a business consultant, points out how common perceptions, expectations, and technical knowledge help or don’t help you succeed in your business. Is your business idea really satisfying your employees, customers, suppliers and investors? In this book you will find the strategies to achieve it.
If you are looking for more books for entrepreneurs and in Spanish, click here!
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.