In this article you will know the age at which 10 entrepreneurs decided to start a business. And so you can answer the question: What is the best age to start a business?
In recent decades we have witnessed how some entrepreneurs have managed to build gigantic companies at an early age.
Characters like Mark Zuckerberg are a clear example of this phenomenon. Not to mention some others who achieved success without reaching the age of majority.
Although these stories are a great example and inspiration, they also hold many others back; that even at 30 they feel that it is too late to take risks and venture to create a company.
//Click here to meet 20 entrepreneurs who took risks after 30//
Below you will find 10 real cases of entrepreneurs that will show you what is the best age to start a business.
What is the best age to start a business?
We will see 10 cases and in the end, you will know what is the best age to start a business.
1. Reid Hoffmann.
Better known as the co-founder of Linkedin, he launched this successful business relationship and job search network when he was 36 years.
Among his career, there are also great achievements, such as being a member of the board of directors that created PayPal.
2.Lloyd Blankfein.
Despite having completed a law degree at Harvard, his 27 years; He decided to make a forceful turn in his career to enter the financial world.
His skills and determination led him to become CEO and Chairman of Goldman Sachs.
Founder of the successful WalMart chain. He started a small business at the age of 44 yearswith the idea of offering a wide variety of products at very low prices.
This same business would later become a highly successful multinational corporation.
4.Charles Ranlett Flint.
He created the multinational IBM at his 61 years, having held political roles as the Chilean consul in New York City. And consul general of the United States for Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
5. JK Rowling.
to their 25 years on a train from Manchester to London, I conceptualize the idea of a school for wizards; which would later become a worldwide hit called Harry Potter.
6. Kevin Systrom.
Co-founder of Instagram. I had 27 years when he launched this revolutionary photo editing, publishing and social networking tool on the market.
After two years of being with this project underway, instagram was sold to Facebook, in a multi-million dollar transaction.
7.Martha Stewart.
Recognized in various countries for being a businesswoman, writer and television presenter; she started her successful business at her 35 years in the basement of his house, which has grown successfully to this day.
8. Ben Silberman.
to their 27 yearslaunched a new social network on the market, called pinterest. Which allows its users to share images, save and classify common interests in folders.
Click here to know his story.
9.Jessica Alba.
Despite having recognized success in her acting career, her 31 yearsand mother of one son (at that time), decided to create her own business called “The Honest Company”.
10.Jay Z.
From an early age he showed an interest in music and had made several recordings, but without resounding results.
He had to wait until his 27 years and create your own independent label; to launch into stardom with his first album called “Reasonable Doubt”.
How did you realize it doesn’t matter if you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or even your 60s; if you have an idea, age is the least important. Any age is perfect to undertake!
Do not give up before you start and never think that because you are “old” you will not succeed. Here are some examples that prove otherwise.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.