In this article, you will learn a completely simple trick to do a brain hack.
The appearance of the first personal computers brought with it the birth of hackers, people extremely skilled in the use of programming languages. Thanks to hackers, the internet was born, originally known as the Arpanet; and thanks to them the technology to which we have access is safer and at the same time more evolved.
Just as they can manipulate an operating system, what would it be like to be able to do a brain hack? The possibilities would be endless!
Imagine that our behaviors are determined by algorithms, millions and millions of lines of code. One day we are driving and suddenly a vehicle suddenly crosses us without having turned on the signal; we get upset, we yell all the rude things we heard at the driver of the other vehicle and from then on our day becomes a negative experience.
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What went wrong, the vehicle that got cut off or our way of assimilating the situation?
“To master our mind is to master our life” says the author, entrepreneur and humorist john hargrave. In his book titled Mind Hacking teaches us how to change our mind for the better in just 21 days. John shares several techniques to achieve this but we will focus on one rather important idea: Mental bugs.
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All apps, software and other systems created in programming languages are based on loops or loops, that is, whenever a certain action is executed, a series of results are triggered and the process starts again. The point is that if the loop is not well created, an infinite number of errors can be unleashed in the system, which are known as bugs; and that is when the errors must be found and the code corrected.
Our mind works the same. We get used to thinking the same things according to certain situations. “Our loops create thoughts, our thoughts create actions, and those actions create our life,” says Hargrave. Depending on the results we see in our personal, professional and other lives, we may be doing things wrong and it is time to correct. How to do it?
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Brain hack:
The 5 whys.
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Hargrave gives an example with a car factory. The new model, under certain circumstances, the gas tank bursts and they need to find a solution. The normal thing is to look for quick solutions that generally do not attack the problem from its root; but the 5 whys help unravel the truth:
What is the cause?
- We use tanks from a new supplier. Why?
- The old supplier could not deliver to keep up with our production times. Why?
- Production is going quickly to be able to meet the schedule that is also accelerated. Why?
- Management accelerated the production schedule in order to impact year-end sales. Why?
- Bonuses depend on annual sales.
In this example, the factory is not looking for a short-term solution, such as firing the contractor with the new tank supplier, or replacing the tanks with new ones, since the root cause may trigger problems in the future.
In the same way we must look for our loops. However, as Hargrave states, “Because loops are deeply embedded and the product of years of experience and nurturing, they can be difficult to identify.”
A bad loop can cause pain due to family or legal problems, repeated failures, etc. Pain is an infallible alarm that we are doing something wrong and we must review the code to correct it and live better. Finally, it is important that we find the main cause in ourselves so that the solution actually depends on us.
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So now you know, faced with any problem or situation that you want to change, do not settle for temporary solutions; attack the real problem by doing a brain hack and asking “why” as many times as it takes to get to the ultimate cause and start correcting from there.
It is the only way to hack our brain to find radical solutions and achieve what we think is impossible.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.