“If you snooze you lose” they say in English. If you press snooze you lose. That’s why we bring 5 reasons and 5 techniques to get up earlyeven if you hate doing it.
Getting up early is one of the biggest challenges. Our brain always plays against us by asking us for permission to sleep 5, 10 or 15 more minutes.
So don’t consider yourself a morning person, science has found that there are techniques to get up early that can help you become one; in just a few weeks.
You just have to adopt simple habits and of course you need motivation; a reason to do it.
People who get up early they are happier, more productive, and better at problem solving.
This is due to the monitoring of sleep cycles and the synchrony of the human body with its environment. Well, the body, by sleeping exactly what it needs, regulates the heart rate and prepares to start the day correctly.
Studies have shown that oppressing snooze, interrupts the natural sleep cycles and completely alters the day. This, coupled with bad eating habits and little or no exercise; it’s what makes you feel tired and sleepy all day.
From this point of view, learning techniques to get up early becomes a duty. Well, your level of productivity will determine how many results you can obtain in a period of time. Something key in your work, for your venture or in both if you are creating a company while you work.
Remember that you need a motivation to adopt habits. Therefore, before knowing the techniques to get up early, we will see 5 reasons why it is worth doing.
5 reasons to get up early.
You create more time to wake up properly before work.
Waking up early decreases the negative aspects of sleep inertia (It is the state of drowsiness, disorientation, and decreased motor skills immediately after waking up). This state can last between one and two hours.
Also, getting up early will give you the opportunity to prepare the body to get out of this state before arriving at work; improving your memory and attention span.
Exercising in the morning helps burn more fat.
Researchers have found that those who exercise in the morning, before breakfast, burn 20% more body fat than those who exercise in the afternoon.
Also read: How to get up early even if I love sleeping in late.
You will have a better temperament.
This is because getting up early gives you the chance to better plan your day. Additionally, you can use this time to work on personal projects that will help you feel more psychologically stable.
You can have a good breakfast.
Most people prefer to sleep a little longer and leave breakfast for later. Some just have a coffee and eat their first meal of the day hours after getting up.
The truth is that the body needs to consume high amounts of protein in the morning. A good breakfast will help you improve your energy levels, regulate glucose concentrations and improve memory.
If you want to know 5 techniques to improve memory, click here!
You will be more productive.
This part is obvious. If you have more time and take advantage of it, you will be able to do more things. You will be able to anticipate problems and get out of complicated tasks first thing in the day.
A survey found that those who get up early say they have enough time for themselves, giving them the opportunity to think about personal goals and feel in control of their lives.
Also read: If you do these 19 things you are more productive than you think.
Taking into account all these benefits, surely you are wondering how do I start getting up early?
5 techniques to get up early.
If you are one of those who say that you hate getting up early, but you recognize that it has great advantages, don’t worry, it’s a matter of adopting certain habits and using the following techniques so that you become an early riser.
Rise with the sun.
Nature is wise. The moment in which you should get up is when the sun rises. Waking up with the sun helps you naturally synchronize your sleep cycle. Studies have shown that when you have little exposure to sunlight, it causes delays in your biological clock.
Sleep with the curtains open. Make sure that enough light enters your room in the early hours of the morning.
Also read: The advantages of getting up early and how to achieve it even if you hate it.
Get up early little by little.
Studies have shown that setting goals increases your motivation. Small challenges are easier to accomplish, allowing you to move with greater enthusiasm toward a bigger goal.
Get up 20 minutes earlier every day until you get used to doing it at the same time every day. Even on weekends.
Also read: How to make the most of the weekend to create a business.
Take a glass of water.
Scientific analyzes have concluded that drinking water makes you feel more alert and in some cases increases your cognitive abilities.
However, this technique is more basic. If you drink a glass of water just before going to bed, you will have to get up early to urinate. Take advantage of that moment to start your day and don’t go back to bed.
Get away from your phone at least an hour before you go to bed.
Staying near technological devices, like your phone, stimulates your brain and releases cortisol (the stress hormone), which prevents you from sleeping. Instead of looking at your phone when you’re in bed, read a book.
Instead of a coffee, eat an apple.
An apple contains approximately 13 grams of natural sugar, plus sucrose and glucose. It is an excellent alternative to replace caffeine.
By understanding the benefits of getting up early, you will find the motivation to do so. And with the 5 techniques, you’ll be ready. Never forget that our habits determine our results. And it is clear, you want the best for your life.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.