Being an entrepreneur requires strength and courage to face the challenges and failures of having a company or carrying out a business idea. The fear of not achieving success and the different situations of uncertainty can make you lose confidence in yourself.
However, being an entrepreneurial woman seems to have other additional challenges, in which the following stand out: the fear of leaving your family, or how to balance home life and having your own company.
Although it does not seem to be the scenario for all women, since there are single or childless entrepreneurs.
It is true that we all face the fear and insecurity of achieving this path of success. According to Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, journalists for ABC and BBC news, writers of “The Confidence Gap” or “The Confidence Gap”, women are less sure of themselves than men; according to his study with women entrepreneurs from around the world.
But Rania Habiby Anderson, author of the book The six success Habits of Women in Emerging Economieshighlights women as persevering people and who do not give up in the face of any obstacle.
Do you want to be independent and follow the path of entrepreneurship? These 4 strategies to be successful are what you need:
4 strategies to be successful.
1. Do not seek acceptance from others about each of your ideas and decisions.
Your decision as a woman and professional to create a company was born from your creativity. It is your own decision and an idea that no one else envisioned, only you. So it’s important that you stop seeking acceptance from others.
Only get advice from like-minded people, a mentor, or someone experienced enough to advise you. Surround yourself with the right people!
2. Find your strengths.
According to a study developed by the Human Talent Firm, Caliper; Some of the most important characteristics of women leaders is the ability we have to take risks and develop our charisma.
According to the study, women have better listening skills. In addition, to be kinder in professional relationships.
read also: 4 tips to enhance your charisma.
Women have many strengths. Which are yours?
3. Take action.
According to the study carried out by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, one of the consequences of insecurity in yourself is doubt. Consequently, the lack of action to continue with a business idea.
Many women falter in this desire to be entrepreneurs and independent, which leads to their not developing profitable businesses. So believe in your ideas and contribute every day with your actions to make this dream a reality.
4. Recognize each of your triumphs.
Stress and daily occupations do not allow you to visualize your achievements; nor the path you have traveled so far.
It is important to maintain a good attitude and constantly reinforce your motivation. So weekly do a little reflection and think about what you learned; and all that you have achieved. Only you are able to look at your achievements and recognize your triumphs.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.