In the health sector and specifically in the dental area, getting patients and retaining them is something that presents some difficulty, especially in the case of dental clinics. However, thanks to digital marketing, we can achieve greater visibility in this type of business, as Íñigo Campos, manager of the expert dental marketing consultancy DNDConsultoría.es, comments. Let’s see, therefore, some tips and keys to get more patients.
4 Digital and traditional tools as an advertising strategy applied to dentistry
Through advertising strategies that we will present below, and using the most popular digital platforms, we will take for granted the effectiveness that can be obtained from intelligent application and the rebound in the number of patients.
1. Development of a web page.
Tips when creating the dental website:
- Photo catalog that includes the staff in charge, as well as the structure and equipment of the clinic.
- It should include elements like dental medicine related links, user subscriptions, promotional plans, tips and recommendations section, etc.
- Obviously, you must facilitate all existing forms of contact.
- It is important to specify all the services and treatments offered, if possible with a photo catalog.
- Don’t forget to put a button where potential patients can make an appointment.
2. Use social networks.
- Facebook is very useful to disseminate our content and launch offers, promotions, discounts, contests or raffles.
- Twitter helps us spread news about ourselves and the industry, announce offers, and build relationships.
- Audiovisual networks (Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube or Flickr) facilitate the dissemination of our images and videos, and their geographical positioning on the Internet.
3. Create a clinic blog.
It is very important to take into account when making our blog:
- Dental trends and techniques.
- Types of materials and their quality.
- About us (experiences, achievements, anecdotes, our publications from third parties, etc.)
- Congresses, seminars, courses that we attend.
- Publications of other specialists invited to our blog.
- Prizes, merits, awards or distinctions won by our dental clinic.
- Alliances or agreements made with other entities or organizations (Universities, Companies, Associations, etc.)
- Advice and/or dental recommendations.
- Our blog has to become a sign of its own identity that shows the personality of our dental clinic.
4. Activate offline marketing strategies in combination with digital marketing.
Some ways to combine both types of marketing:
- BTL advertising, billboards, posters and print flyers inviting the public to visit social media profiles to learn more about the clinic.
- TV, radio, newspaper and magazine ads, where promotions are announced in which the public is invited to participate through the clinic’s website.
- Promote prizes and special offers by entering on p. The code that will be delivered with the purchase of a dental product, could be a toothpaste, rinse, etc; prior agreement with the manufacturer, to opt for a prize that could be, for example, a free consultation or with a special discount, etc.
- Posters or banners where patients are offered a free service or treatment by collecting, for example, three invoices for consultations carried out at the clinic.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.