If you have already started or want to do it, you should know that at some point you will have to think a lot to find the right name for your product or service. Fortunately, you no longer have to burn all the neurons to do it; since you can use name generators for companies.
First of all, we recommend that you be very clear about these 7 criteria so that you can choose the best name for your company.
With this clear, let’s start.
Suppose you want to launch a sportswear brand. It is possible that words like gym, sportswear, fit, strong, be on your mind. These can be your keywords to start using business name generators.
Business name generators.
If you want more detailed information about each service, keep reading. oh! If you want to go to the website, simply click on the title of each service.
With Panabee you can find thousands of company names. It will tell you which ones have the domain available, with the Godaddy company.
It will also show you domain name options that are taken, but will give you similar alternatives that are available.
Lean Domain Search
As soon as you type the keyword you will find thousands of combinations. In addition, they show you direct links so that you can create a blog in wordpress and you can buy the domain with the Bluehost company.
It is one of the most interesting name generators for companies. Since it allows you to create more original words.
You have the option to say if you want your “keyword” to be at the beginning, middle, or end of the result.
You can choose to have your keyword be at the beginning or end of the result. Results will be based on domains that are available.
You can also choose between categories and you will find hundreds of results that can open your mind.
business name
Its operation is the same as that of most company name generators. The only difference with some of its competitors; is that it allows you to save the names that you like the most.
The company name generator developed by Looka allows you to enter your keywords and/or industry and choose the number of characters you want for your name.
By clicking “Generate”, you will have access to a list of ideas for the name of your company classified by categories such as: traditional names, invented, compound, real and much more.

The advantage of Tiendanube’s Business Name Generator is that you can choose the category of your product before seeing the naming options. Thus, the suggestions will be more in line with your business.
In addition, you can perform as many searches as you want. And if you want, you can also create your online store at the moment!
Brand Bucket
The advantage of Brand Bucket, compared to many of its competitors, is that apart from suggesting names, based on the keyword you use; It also shows you logo ideas.
Shopify is a service that makes it easy to create electronic marketplaces. But in addition, it also has a tool to generate names.
domain hole
It is one of the few name generators for companies that, in addition to giving you ideas, once you register, allows you to analyze the rankings of Moz, Majestic, Alexa, etc; names similar to yours.
More company name generators
Fresh Books
Before writing your keyword, they give you a choice between 4 industries:
- Creativity and marketing.
- legal services and business consulting.
- Home exchanges and services.
- Information technology.
In this way, they make more accurate suggestions.
I also like that they give you the results 3 by 3. That is, if you don’t like the 3 options you see, you can choose to see 3 more. This way you are not dazzled by a list of hundreds and hundreds of results and you focus better on the options.
Once you register, you can access the forum. If you need quick answers, you can get them without registering.
You simply click on “name generators” and without having to write a keyword you will find different very interesting alternatives. Like names for beers, businesses, bands, teams; and more.
Names 4 brands
Like other generators, it also allows you to find results with the keyword at the beginning, at the end, and in several languages. However, it has an extra feature, and that is that it has a translator.
So you can quickly get an idea of what the result you got means (in case you put it in a language you don’t speak).
GetSocio is a bit more basic, but still practical. As soon as you write your keyword, you will find thousands of combinations that could be the name of your future and successful company.
bust a name
In this business name generator, you can put many keywords and it will come up with different combinations of words that unused domains have.
In addition, it shows you different hosting providers and an estimated price of the cost to buy the domain.
In this service you can decide if your keyword goes at the beginning or at the end. And you can also choose to show the results in different languages. Among which are English, Spanish, Italian, French and German.
You can also click on “I’m feeling lucky” and you will find random word results.
Business name generators
You have a very useful feature. And it is that apart from giving you names, it allows you to see, with just one click, what are the results of those names in the google search engine. Remember that it is better to use original names.
As soon as you type your keyword, you will find suggestions for URLs that are available, that are premium (available but more expensive) and those that are already being used.
Brand Root
Like BrandBucket, you will be able to find hundreds of names and logo suggestions. You can also put your keyword or let yourself be carried away by new ideas without having to write anything.
This is one of the company name generators that gives suggestions along with their respective logos. Something interesting is that if you don’t want to search for your keyword, you can choose between 48 categories and receive related ideas.
In this video you can see an example:
With NameSmith you will be able to write up to 5 keywords and he will be in charge of finding mixes that are available domain names; that you can buy at GoDaddy or Namechip.
You can also choose to have NameSmith display results based on domain type. Like .com, .net, .ca, .jp; among many others.
You have many alternatives. Apart from these 21 business name generators, you will find others. As you noticed, they all work similar. And without having to be a genius, you realized that the business of generators is selling domains. Which sounds like a great business idea to me!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.