Life is just? Each one will be able to answer from their experience, but we will all agree that no matter how well we act; at any moment life can give us one of its best blows. And if we are not mentally strong, it can knock us out.
We can give our best effort, the market changes and we go bankrupt; we can practice a sport every day and when we least expect it we fracture.
No one is exempt from going through difficult times no matter how well they are doing things.
In general, the answer to these adversities is to ask ourselves: Why me? And that’s when we begin to create mental barriers and make it a habit to look for blame for our situation.
So we must prepare ourselves not to let a simple question trigger a domino effect; which will deeply affect our way of seeing life and catapult us towards failure.
How to prepare to be mentally strong?
Amy Murin, bestselling author 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, gives us an example: “When we say “my mother-in-law drives me crazy”, we give her the power to do it; she may not be the nicest person in the world, but she is up to us how to respond, because we are in control.”

After going through the deaths of her mother, her husband, and her father-in-law in a very short time, Amy understood that life was not fair and that the only thing in her power was to prepare herself mentally to positively withstand life’s blows. and let nothing stop her to always keep going.
With the knowledge he gained from his experience, he wrote an article where he listed the 13 things mentally strong people don’t do, which went viral to the point of having more than 30 million readings and being shared by portals such as Forbes, Business Insider , among others.
Do you want to be a mentally strong person and have nothing stop you? These are the 13 things you should stop doing:
Thoughts of people who are mentally strong.
1. Mentally strong people don’t feel sorry for themselves:
They take responsibility for their actions and take ownership of their lives.
two. Mentally strong people do not give away their power:
They are able to control their emotions.
3. Mentally strong people are not afraid of changes:
On the contrary, they understand that changes are inevitable and trust in their ability to adapt.
Four. Mentally strong people don’t spend their energy on things they can’t control:
When things get out of their control, they understand that the only thing they can control is their attitude.
When things get out of control, the only thing you can control is your attitude. Click To Tweet
5. Mentally strong people don’t worry about being liked by everyone:
They are able to say “no” and have an opinion when necessary, even knowing that this will cause someone to dislike them.
6. Mentally strong people are not afraid to take calculated risks.:
They take the time to see the pros and cons of the decisions they are going to make, they do not take risks without knowing the consequences.
7. Mentally strong people do not stay in the past:
If they make a mistake, they learn from it and make better decisions for the future.
There is no better teacher than mistakes Click To Tweet
Thoughts of mentally strong people #9.
10. Mentally strong people do not give up on the first try:
They understand that failure is not a reason to give up, on the contrary, they understand that failure is an opportunity to improve and grow.
eleven. Mentally strong people are not afraid of spending time alone:
They do not depend on the company of others for comfort and can be productive in their alone time.
12. Mentally strong people don’t feel like the world owes them anything:
They know very well that they must make merits to take advantage of the opportunities and they do not think that things are going to fall from the sky.
13. Mentally strong people do not expect immediate results:
They recognize that real change takes time and instead of fading, they take advantage of the time to improve their performance and optimize their results.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.