For many students, choosing the university major they want to study is a crucial decision. On one side are his passions; that possibly are not well defined at the time of finishing high school. On the other, there is the pressure from their parents.
For this reason, it is common to ask the following question: Which university degrees are going to offer me the most opportunities to become a truly successful person?
Even if you already have a degree and are practicing your profession, the idea of specializing or doing a master’s degree is surely going around in your head and you would like to know which is the best option.
To answer this question, the British company Approved Index conducted an analysis of the 100 richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine. Also. What are their professions? These are some facts thrown by the study.
Also read: How to create a company without experience according to Richard Branson.
- 9% of the list studied arts, a higher percentage compared to those who studied economics, finance or mathematics.
- 22% studied engineering.
- 30% of these millionaires, including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson, do not have a college degree.
- 40% of these characters are from North America, 29% from Europe, 22% from Asia and 4% from Latin America. Africa and Australia each have one millionaire on this list.
- 19% have made their fortunes in technology.
- 15% have made their fortune through retail.
- Engineering has the highest median wealth at $25.77 trillion.
- 70% of millionaires if they have a university degree.
- 30% of millionaires do not have a university degree.
Approved Index Director Amy Catlow says these results add a new dimension to the relevance and value of a college degree today.
This suggests that in order to have a more dynamic and prosperous economy, it is necessary to offer a wide range of specialties.
College degrees that can make you a millionaire.
Engineering is the career that presents the best results. 22% of the richest men in the world have this university degree. Additionally, they have the highest average wealth among the rest of the professions.
Also read: What I learned when creating a company that you will not learn in any university.
30% of the millionaires in this study did not finish college. However, these individuals dedicated their lives to gaining knowledge in specific subjects on their own. His great search for knowledge and innate leadership skills were of great use to his ventures.
Also read: You do not need knowledge or experience to create a great company.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.