In this article you will know why undertake As soon as you finish studying, it’s better than looking for a job. (Top 6 Reasons)
Some people take longer than others, but anyone can get a 9 to 5 job after graduation. After all, it is the easiest way.
Unfortunately the statistics are not very encouraging. Studies have shown that a large percentage of candidates take jobs in an effort to start earning a salary, but they are not really happy.
They spend hours sitting at a desk, working on projects they don’t like and investing time in activities with which they don’t feel identified. All with the hope of gaining experience and being able to seek a better position in the future.
There are so many reasons to undertake that often looking for a job does not seem to be the sanest decision. Some are lucky enough to find jobs that are in line with their life purpose, that make them happy; however, having only a few vacation days and sticking to a schedule every day seems crazy.
Starting your own business can be risky, it may seem like a bad decision in the eyes of many, but it will surely teach you things that you will never learn if you don’t try.
Instead of working for someone else, for the dreams of a person that on many occasions you don’t even get to know, why don’t you do it for yourself? Find below 6 reasons that will motivate you to fight for your business ideas:
Why undertake when you finish studying and not look for a job.
1. You have nothing to lose.
If you just graduated, time is on your side. You don’t have big worries or responsibilities. You do not depend on your salary. You are in a perfect moment to concentrate and focus your energy towards your company.
Also read: How to find money when you have a great idea but don’t have enough to start with.
two. You will do what you like.
Most recent graduates succumb to the temptations of working life. And it is not surprising, since we were children we have heard that this is the correct path.
If you know what you want to do, don’t miss the opportunity, do what you like. Don’t work to do it, let alone something you don’t enjoy. Create your own career.
3. You will have your own hours.
You will not have to comply with the boring and unnecessary schedule from 8 to 5, nobody will tell you what to do and best of all you will be your own boss. Well, this is not entirely true, because at first you will have to work many hours, the good thing is that you will do it in something that you like.
When you do what you like, you work late and also on weekends. Everything that for some seems like a sacrifice for you will be a pleasure.
4. You will understand the value of hard work.
There is no doubt. Undertaking is the hardest job that exists, however, it is also the most rewarding. All the effort you make, all the hours you invest will be rewarded in the future.
But the work does not end with the results, when you see them you will work even harder. You don’t want to waste any time to keep getting them.
5. You will get smarter.
Inexperience will become one of the great advantages of starting a business as soon as you graduate. You will have to learn about all aspects of your business. Additionally, you will need to find and contact the right people, increasing your communication skills.
When you get a job, your functions are specific to one area of the company, while in your business you will have to have a global vision of it. You will be the accountant, the marketing manager, the salesperson and even the messenger if necessary.
6. The younger you will have the more energy.
Over time you will acquire more responsibilities and as a consequence you will have less energy. Imagine having a job and taking care of two children.
The energy you will have to create a business will not be the same. Starting early will allow you to retire younger and enjoy yourself longer.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.