In this article you will know Why does the effect of negative comments last longer? than that of the positive comments.
Have you ever wondered why negative comments stay longer in your head? Why do they affect us more?
The criticism from your employees, the misunderstanding you had with your coworker, or even the fight you had with your partner; they make us easily forget the positive words that they themselves have said to us.
Doctors Judith E. and Richard D. Glaser, in the study “The Neurochemistry of Positive Conversations”, (The Neurochemistry of Positive Conversations), they answer why it happens.
Why does the effect of negative comments last longer?
Judith and Richard Glaser attribute a large percentage to chemical processes in the brain.
Once our body faces criticism, fear or rejection, among others; releases a hormone called cortisol, activating our protective behaviors. As a consequence, it is affected and our risk aversion increases.
This makes us much more sensitive to certain situations and we react differently than usual.
The effect of this hormone can last up to 26 hours or more. This is why it is easier to remember those uncomfortable situations. We even magnify irritating emotions.
This hormone is released for a long time, so the more we ruminate on these feelings; the longer the effect of negative feedback will be.
What happens in the brain with positive comments?
It’s not all bad news, nice comments and positive conversations; they also have a chemical reaction that releases a hormone called “oxytocin”.
This, contrary to cortisol, makes you feel good, placid, helps you communicate, collaborate and trust others; among other benefits.
However, oxytocin is metabolized faster than cortisol; which means that its effects are less lasting and intense.
This is where the “chemistry of the conversation” plays an important role; especially if it is about leadership skills when transmitting messages to us.
Behaviors that increase cortisol levels (bad comments, criticism, fights, etc.) reduce what doctors call “conversational intelligence”.
What is conversational intelligence?
It is the ability to think in an innovative, empathetic, strategic and creative way towards others.
On the contrary, when the amount of oxytocin increases in our body, the rates of said “conversational intelligence” increase; allowing us to develop in a better way in our daily environment.
Throughout your life you will receive a lot of criticism, claims, and even ridicule that will affect your mood and make you doubt what you do.
However, knowing this information will help you understand why you react the way you do. And even if you can’t completely control it, at least you will know what you are feeling and you will be able to handle the situation better.
I hope this information is helpful and has been of interest to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.