Apparently it is a natural tendency of man to avoid risk and always look for a way to play safe. Maybe that’s why you prefer not to take action or take a risk right now.
The truth is that if we do not take risks, we do not grow. And if we don’t grow, we will never know our full potential.
The risk is nothing more than the absence of security. Taking risks leaves part of your decisions to chance. And it is at that moment where we feel uncomfortable.
It is exactly at that point when we leave our comfort zone. The problem is that there is a lot of comfort in security; but there is no significant reward.
It is true that risk can lead you to failure. Nevertheless, What are your chances of success if you don’t take the risk of trying new things?
Entrepreneurship implies taking risks and that is why at ModoEmprendedor we want to give you four reasons for you to think better of it and decide to take a risk right now.
Why risk it right now if you want to be successful.
1. If you take a risk, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, any result brings a reward.
The great success stories that we know of today have not obtained their achievements by playing it safe.
They have risked and lost countless times. However, the lessons learned from these failures gave them the necessary tools to have the companies they have.
Thomas Alba Edison is said to have made 1,000 failed attempts to invent the electric light bulb. For him it wasn’t 1000 failed attempts, he just found 999 ways that didn’t work.
2. Taking risks will make you look confident.
Taking risks is an excellent opportunity to stand out and show yourself as a true leader.
At first people may remember you for failing. But the day you have a single hit, your level of popularity and your ability to influence will increase incredibly.
Taking risks is not easy, if it were, everyone would take them. That is why if you do, you will be able to stand out more easily.
3. If you don’t take risks you will lose any opportunity to grow.
It is definitive, if you are in a situation in which you feel comfortable, it is because you have already learned everything you had to learn and it is time to change, to seek new challenges. That is, to take risks.
If you’re not constantly challenging yourself, your chances of growing will be greatly reduced.
If, for example, you want to learn how to speak in public, do you think you will learn by avoiding every opportunity you get to give a presentation? Of course not.
The only way you will learn and grow is by risking being judged in front of an audience. Maybe you do it wrong or maybe you feel great doing it; The important thing is that from each attempt you will learn something.
4. You will never achieve your goals by playing it safe.
Big dreams always come with big risks. However, every risk you take will have a potential benefit.
Even these benefits can make your dreams evolve over time into much bigger projects. More ambitious projects that you might never have thought of, if you hadn’t taken the risk.
Taking risks opens the doors to a world of possibilities that do not exist in your comfort zone. It will be uncomfortable, complicated, open a lot that you don’t know; but it is precisely like that, that you will challenge yourself to have to be better and better.
We hope this information motivates you and is of great help. successes! 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.