As you already know, not getting enough sleep is not only bad for your health, but also for your productivity. Several studies have shown how damaging it can be. sleep 6 hours for several days in a row.
The sleep deprivation study published by the Sleep Journal, analyzed the physical and cognitive functions of 48 individuals after sleeping 4, 6 and 8 hours for two weeks. Additionally, some participants were completely deprived of sleep for two days.
Consequences of sleeping 6 hours a day.
What happened? Those who got 6 hours of sleep functioned at the same capacity as those who were completely sleep deprived. What is surprising about this result is that the people who slept 6 hours were convinced that their performance was perfectly normal.
During their stay in the laboratory, each test subject performed cognitive and reaction time analyzes every 2 hours. They also answered questions about their mood and any symptoms they were experiencing.
As is logical, those individuals who were able to sleep 8 hours a night had the highest performance averages. Those with 6 hours of sleep got worse as the days went by.
This same group, at the end of the study, presented similar results as those who were not allowed to sleep at all.
One of the most alarming results is that the group that got 6 hours of sleep never felt that the lack of sleep was affecting them. They claimed that they had not slept poorly and did not realize that their cognitive ability was slowly declining.
It is possible that you are carrying out this routine without realizing that you are not getting enough sleep and even denying that your performance is good.
Likewise, research from the University of Chicago indicates that people tend to overestimate the number of hours they sleep by almost an hour. That is to say that ironically we believe that we sleep more when it is not true.
Added to this is how long it takes to fall asleep and how many times you wake up during the night. Not to mention those people who have trouble sleeping.
What can you do to sleep better?
Some tips to get constant and quality sleep are:
- Establish a time to go to bed every day. Stick to it without fail until you get into the habit.
- Do not expose yourself to any electronic device (phones, tablets, televisions) half an hour before going to sleep.
- Limit your alcohol intake. Although you can easily fall asleep when you’re under the influence of alcohol, it does affect the quality and duration of your sleep.
- Do exercise.
Remember that even stress and worries can affect your nights. And if you don’t sleep well, you won’t be able to give your best 🙂
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.