Successful people know why to get up early on the weekends.
Great and well-known entrepreneurs are known for getting up at dawn. Regardless of their motivations, there is no doubt that they have taken advantage of getting up before the sun rises and before most people do.
Why is getting up early something so common among these characters? What is it about getting up early that attracts so many famous and successful businessmen? Why do they struggle to get up, even if they are tired, when the rest of the mortals are dreaming?
Let’s look at the top 7 reasons.
Why get up early even on weekends.
1. It is a thought of the winners.
A sense of control is gained when you overcome your inner voice. If your mind wins the battle between being the victim or being successful, everything will gradually start to change.
So recognizing that there is an inner voice that does not let you get up early is the first step to combat this habit.
When the alarm goes off and your inner voice tells you: “you went to bed too late to get up”, or it tells you “5 more minutes” DON’T LISTEN!!
Those who stay in bed are not the competition of the big players. When you control that inner voice there will be nothing to stop you.
2. You will have more time.
If you woke up an hour earlier every morning, you would gain 15 days in a year. It’s amazing when you think about it that way.
How many days of your life do you waste sleeping? We believe that you have too many things to achieve in your life to waste it lying on a bed. If you don’t have time, sleep less.
3. You will be more active.
The morning hours are excellent for exercising. They make you start the morning with energy, concentration and enthusiasm. Sometimes you even feel invincible.
Also, stress has to work very hard to catch up with you and all your relationships are happier and calmer. Exercising in the morning will make you more productive and successful every day, including weekends.
4. You will optimize your time.
If you need to do something important, there is nothing better than the silence of the morning. Getting up early will give you the peace of mind, focus and concentration you need to get out of those activities that require your attention.
So not only will you have more time, as we mentioned in point 2, you will also be able to make better use of it.
5. You will find inspiration.
Your brain activity in the morning allows you to be more creative. Great works of art and novels were made in the morning hours.
Do you have a masterpiece in mind? Get up early and work on it.
6. You will have more time to eat.
Breakfast is the most important meal, but we never give it the importance it needs because we are always short of time.
Running to work with a coffee in your stomach is not going to give you the energy you need. Therefore, if you learn to get up early, you will have time to have a leisurely breakfast.
7. You will be one step ahead.
Getting up early will keep you one step ahead of the crowd. You will be more calm, focused and confident when others are running towards the office.
Why? Simple, you have everything under control. When you get up early you have time to plan, think strategically and organize yourself. You will start to make better use of time, you will be more organized and you will make better decisions.
If you have not created the habit of getting up early on Saturdays and Sundays, you already know the reasons why you get up early on weekends.
Next Friday go to bed early so you don’t wake up tired. It will take a few days to settle into the routine but you will feel the benefits immediately.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.