In this article you will know who is bill gates. But it is not a biography, it is from the eyes of his father.
The following article is a translation of the interview with the father of Bill Gates by Forbes magazine; written by Kerry A. Dolan. You can read the full interview in the print edition of Forbes.
What was the Microsoft founder and philanthropist like when “his operating system was still in development”? Bill Gates’ father tells us who Bill Gates was:
Who is Bill Gates according to his father.
What kind of boy was Bill?
He was interested in all kinds of books, encyclopedias, science fiction, whatever. I was very excited that my son loved to read. However, his hobby was such that we had to impose a rule at home: no books at lunchtime.
Did Bill ever mention what he wanted to be when he grew up?
As part of a fifth grade assignment, Bill had to fill out a form about what he wanted to do when he grew up.
This questionnaire included a list of occupations, including doctor, firefighter, cowboy, among others; with a check box next to each one. What was expected of each child was that he choose one of them. In addition to the profession of astronaut, Bill drew an additional box that read: scientist.
Bill was always very curious about how the world worked, he had his own opinions and ideas about business, life itself, international relations, and what the future might hold.
Back then it was very difficult for me to imagine that that inquisitive boy would one day become my boss, and here we are.
When was the first time he showed interest in computers?
It was at a very young age. One day at her school, a group of mothers were collecting money to pay for a device that allowed the computer to be connected to a telephone line. The idea was that teachers could use it. However, trying and making mistakes, teachers were reluctant to learn its handling.
Bill, who was part of a math study group, was invited to learn how to use the system and how it worked. At just 13 years old, he was already interested in these topics.
Did you have jobs before college?
As he was about to leave school, Bill decided to take a break to attend programming classes at a power station in North Bonneville. Bill’s mom and I talked to the principal of his school. We all agreed that this activity would be of great benefit in enhancing their skills and interests.
I remember one time, Bill was telling me that he and Paul Allen, who worked with him, stayed up late working on the code for the power grid management system.
How did you feel when Bill told you that he wanted to drop out of Harvard?
I can’t say I wasn’t worried, but at that time I didn’t have much influence on those kinds of decisions. He had his own ideas about how he wanted to achieve his goals. In addition to this, the computer business that he had already started with Paul Allen was requiring more time.
Having a child who decided to drop out of college was not exactly the vision my wife and I had for our children’s future; but Bill seemed to know very well what he was doing.
You have played a very important role in Bill’s philanthropy. Can you tell us how he developed?
My late wife was a strong believer in the Gospel of Saint Luke, which preaches: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” From the beginning, she instilled it as a very important value in our family.
As Microsoft grew, Bill and Melinda began receiving hundreds of letters from charities in the Seattle area. However, at that time, it was difficult for them to spend time on these kinds of activities.
Raising a family and running Microsoft was a full-time job; creating a foundation is not an easy task.
Melinda and Bill’s plan was to get serious about the philanthropic plan once Bill retires from Microsoft. That plan changed after Mary suffered and died of cancer in 1994, when I retired from my job as a lawyer.
Some months later, while we were waiting in line to buy a movie ticket, I suggested to Bill and Melinda that since my situation had changed, I could help them with their charity activities.
I thought it might be a good way to spend my days as a pensioner, it might be a great help to them if I were the one to review the requests for charity money, and then approve them.
A week later I called Bill to ask him about this idea, and he said, “well dad, we have decided that we are going to create a foundation with $100 million dollars”. I was perplexed and excited. Not long after that, I wrote the first check for $80,000 to a local cancer program.
The end.
It is very interesting to know a little more about the people who have shaped the world. We hope it will inspire you to fight for the goals you have 🙂
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