Many restaurant owners will tell you that it wasn’t money that inspired them to open a restaurant, it was their passion for making delicious food that people will enjoy. In case you didn’t know, maintaining a restaurant for the first two years is not an easy task.
You will be constantly adjusting to the needs of your customers and trying to create a menu that is perfect for them. If you are passionate about cooking, this is definitely an excellent opportunity for you.
However, if you want to open a restaurant with only money in mind, you’re better off putting your money into another line of business.
What should I take into account to open a restaurant.
1. Be available 24/7.
When the restaurant first opens, the role of the owner is everything. You are not only the owner, but also the cook, the waiter, the host and the manager.
During the first two years, your direct involvement will play a vital role in determining whether or not your business is successful. Once you’ve established a business model that can survive without you, you can slowly withdraw from certain areas of the operation and allow others to take over the role entirely.
2. Equipment.
Opening a new restaurant, either from scratch or by using an existing structure, will require a plan.
You will have to design or re-design the kitchen according to the needs of your staff so that everyone can do their job without bumping into each other.
Don’t skimp on equipment expenses. It is better that you buy the best, even if it costs a little more. The level of use of this equipment is very high, if you are thinking of going for the cheapest you will end up losing more money in the long term in repairs.
Also read: 4 people you should have in your work team.
The last thing you want is to receive the bad news that one of your ovens has broken down. In addition to high-quality equipment, you will also need to invest in regular maintenance. Most providers offer warranties and maintenance whether you buy or rent the equipment.
3. Location, location, location.
Location is everything, this is an absolute truth for a restaurant. You have to be where people walk by, you need to be exposed for people to see you; a place that customers can easily find.
If you’re not out in the open or on a main road, you’re basically going to lose out on free advertising. Also, make sure the location you’re interested in has parking spaces and allows customers to get in and out quickly to increase the chances they’ll return.
4. Create your own decoration style that becomes your brand.
When you advertise a new business, many people will satisfy their curiosity and go to prove what it is. That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting them to come back and tell their family and friends about the wonderful experience they had at your restaurant.
In order to offer the wow factor, it is necessary to design the interior as an individual and not as a corporate location where everything looks the same.
This is where you can unleash your creativity and come up with something out of the ordinary to get customers not only great food, but an atmosphere they’ll never forget. Have fun selecting the theme, the colors in such a way that you give personality to your business.
5. Hire the right people.
Nobody likes interviews and because of this, your first instinct may be to hire first responders. Unfortunately, unless you interview candidates extensively, you won’t know much about them.
Also read: How to maintain the motivation of a work team.
Take the time to do it and start very early. The staff you work with plays a vital role in how your customers value their experience. Create training manuals and hand them out to everyone you hire.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.