We are very curious to know what millionaires do to be where they are, so in this article we will tell you what does richard branson do before bed.
Richard Branson is one of the most recognized entrepreneurs in the world. He is an investor, philanthropist and founder of the Virgin Group, a conglomerate with more than 400 companies.
The Virgin brand, passed from the recording industry to the airlines and today is found in retail, communications and finance among others. It’s amazing what Branson has accomplished since he created Virgin Records. How did he do it? What habits does this entrepreneur have to be productive?
Richard Branson published an article entitled “My night routine” on his blog; where he explains what he does before going to bed to structure his days.
Richard Branson is known for being unpredictable, always up for a new adventure, and fond of calculated risk. However, he has a routine in the morning and one in the evening.
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She says that having a structure for starting and ending the day helps her focus and get things done. Find out below what Richard Branson does before bed.
What Richard Branson does before bed.
If you have a business trip or a trip to your private island, you always like end the night with a casual dinner.
Dinner is a wonderful setting for conversation and fun. Many ideas have been generated around the table on Necker Island; some of them are currently driving the Virgin brand.
Also read: What should I do to find a good business idea according to Richard Branson.
Branson says that whenever he travels he likes invite local leaders to dinner. So you can learn more about the social and cultural landscape of the countries where Virgin is operating.
After dinner, this entrepreneur retires to a quiet place with a cup of tea to check your email and do a social media sweep. He ends the day reading comments on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, many of which make him very proud.
Then he makes sure to disconnect from the digital world for a while before going to sleep, so his brain can relax.
Also read: Richard Branson’s 10 favorite phrases to make you more open to change.
If he has some free time, he uses it to read or watch a documentary. This helps you relax and prepare for sleep. If everything goes well your world shuts down at 11pm. You typically need five to six hours of sleep to get the most out of your days.
The most important thing that I highlight is that it does not waste time checking mail or networks during the day. Those are minor tasks and should be low on your priority list.
Otherwise, it’s a quiet nightly routine that allows you to go to bed with a clear head. Which is very important. Remember that a good awakening is easier if you had a good night.
How is your routine? Tell us in the comments.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.