There is a filter that separates those who succeed from those who fail. And it’s just going one step further. It is not an easy step to take and to do so we must be very clear about what resilience is.
What is resilience.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language, it is the “adaptive capacity of a living being in the face of a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation”.
No matter what you do and what you want to achieve, you are going to face difficult situations. For example a financial crisis, lack of motivation, toxic people; anyway; the path will be fraught with difficulties.
To begin with, incorporate resilience into your behavior; You must identify how committed you are to your goals and recognize that you have 4 ways of facing life:
Ways of coping with life:
- Do nothing.
- Being aware that there are things to do but you avoid them.
- Do the minimum of necessary things (Here are the majority of people).
- perform a GREAT effort.
Do you know what level you are at? If you are not making a great effort, think about the following:
How do you intend to go further than others if you are doing the same as them?
Our levels of discipline, consistency, persistence, and effort; they must be much higher to be resilient.
How to achieve resilience with these 4 thoughts.
For Grant Cardone, the solution is to give 10 times more effort than what we are giving; and he tells us how to do it in his book entitled The 10X rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure. The main points are the following:
Internalize your goals.
If this is not your case, surely you know people who set goals every beginning of the year. Cardone insists on not doing it once a year, he insists on writing them every day; Only then can we be really motivated.
It also suggests asking a very interesting question: Are my goals living up to my potential? The answer will lead us to set higher and higher goals and therefore, we will go further.
Get obsessive.
Do not fear what they will say, you decide if the obsession is a disease or a gift. If your blood boils every time you think about the goals you want to achieve, let yourself go and act!
Don’t feed your fears.
What is fear’s favorite food?… Time. For example, you must make a call to set up a meeting and you know that you must do it; but instead of taking action and doing it, you start making all kinds of excuses. You go to the bathroom, drink coffee, and procrastinate in a thousand ways.
The result of it all is that you spend more time thinking about more things that could go wrong. What happens next? You are more afraid of doing it.
Cardone’s recommendation is to remove time from the equation; eliminate the time in which we do not do things and we gain more anxiety and fear. How? Doing what we have to do when we have to do it! Don’t procrastinate!
Go steady and fast.
All part of the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Do you remember her? At the beginning of the race the hare starts at a high speed while the tortoise can barely move forward. In the end the firm step of the tortoise prevailed over the unstable speed of the hare. What if we had the speed of the hare but with the consistency of the tortoise? We would surely meet our goals.
In order to do so, we must be careful with the management of our time and with the control of our health. If we know that we should start the day from 5am; Let’s do our best not to fall asleep at 1am. If we know that eating more at lunch makes us sleepier in the afternoon; let’s control our impulses to be more productive.
Only by internalizing our goals, being obsessive, not feeding our fears and managing to take firm but quick steps, will we be able to reach the maximum level of demand to face life.
And never forget that by doing what the majority does, you will get as far as the majority. Is that what you want?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.