In this article you will know what the Financial Freedom and the importance of passive income.
The alarm clock rings every morning, we take a shower, get dressed and have a quick breakfast. Finally, we go to our work site counting the days until Friday arrives.
It is common for people to feel tired of the routine, especially those who are trapped in jobs they hate; or that they have to put up with unfair bosses who apply leadership concepts from the last century.
Study very hard when young to get a “stable” job in the future that allows you to buy the house and car of your dreams. Continue for years working to acquire a pension to have a decent old age before dying.
Everything that was instilled in us at school, at home and at the university sometimes seems to go against what we want and makes us happy.
Robert Kiyosaki, in his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” published in 1997, strongly contradicts this thought.
Kiyosaki proposes a new model for managing personal finances and changing this commonly accepted lifestyle. This author has motivated and encouraged thousands of people around the world.
Search for financial freedom.
The search for financial freedom as a reality for anyone regardless of the economic position in which they are.
Financial freedom is the result of income that is generated without you having to personally work to earn it. Those that appear without fulfilling a work schedule and that do not require your physical presence.
It seems like a complex definition at first, but what it sums up is that you should seek to generate money; even if you are not actively working for it.
Where to start looking for financial freedom.
Kiyosaki suggests making money work for you. This is contrary to what thousands of people do every day, who must attend and meet a schedule in order to claim a salary at the end of the month. That is, if they don’t work, they don’t earn.
On the contrary, with “passive income” residual money is generated.
What is passive income.
To cite a few examples, “passive income” appears when you receive money from renting a house or earnings from stocks. You don’t have to work 8 hours of your time to get it.
Once you internalize these concepts, you will give a definitive change in your way of thinking and the lifestyle you currently lead.
This is where the path to financial education begins. Start motivating and educating yourself.
This book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, can be the beginning of your search, either to find your path as an entrepreneur or if you want to broaden your vision in managing your personal finances. Additionally you can take these 2 steps towards your financial freedom.
I hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.