In this article you will know what is a bloghow it is formed, why it will help you generate income and other things to consider.
It is very possible that you have come to this article because you are interested in learning how to generate income through a blog. And you came to the right place. I’m telling you because I’ve already been living for a few years blogging and I’ll tell you everything you need to know.
Let’s start with the most basic…
What is a blog.
A blog is a “website that includes, as a personal diary of its author or authors, content of interest, frequently updated and often commented on by readers”, according to the RAE (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language).
This definition is quite complete, however I would like to add something else to it: A blog is a way to improve your finances and your quality of life. I must warn that it is not an easy road, but in the end there are not many achievements that are easy to achieve and worthwhile.
Also, among the many advantages it has, is that learning how to create a blog is quite simple.
What is a blogger
As you can imagine, a blogger is the person who manages a blog. It is characterized because it has the advantage of being able to manage its time and once the blog gets tractionyou can receive income without having to be pending 24/7.
By traction I mean that the blog is read by enough people, so that the tickets uploaded, be read constantly. This does not lead to the following:
What is an input.
An entry is each article you upload. It is also told post. For example, right now you are in a post entitled: “What is a blog and why businesses urgently need one.” In the structure of the blog, each post must go on one or more pages…
What is a page in a blog.
Pages are the sections that a blog has. In the case of modoemprendedor, some of its pages are:
- Motivation.
- Productivity.
- Finance.
- Blogging.
Pages are essential because they allow you to quickly tell the reader what your entire site is about. In addition, you facilitate navigation and this is essential because it improves their experience on your site.
What is the purpose of a blog.
Regardless of whether the blog is personal or business, the main purpose is to help readers by giving them information.
You may be thinking that the purpose is also to generate income, but income is only achieved if readers find quality information. Since they will return for more information and thus your reader base will grow and therefore, your earnings.
Otherwise, they’ll go in once and see nothing to make them come back. So the main purpose is give good information.
Before looking at why you need to blog I would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you very much!
Why people and businesses need to blog.
I think you already have the answer: Because they can earn much more money. It’s that simple.
The basis for this statement is supported by studies that prove that businesses that blog have more than 50% of the traffic that businesses that do not.
This allows them to have much more digital visibility. And therefore, more chances of converting potential customers into customers. In addition, it helps them create more memory in the audience. Not just because they see your brand more often; Also because businesses have the opportunity to help their readers through quality content.
Think of a bank that through its blog gives tips to learn how to save, how to make a budget; or even how to pack your luggage. Without needing to offer you a savings account or credit, they are indirectly telling you why you need their services and how you could use them.
In this way, a reader who simply wants to learn how to save can end up being a customer. And assuming that he does not purchase a service from the bank, little by little he will understand that the bank is there to help him.
I reiterate… this will only be effective if the blog provides quality content.
What goals should a blog meet?
If you know you have quality information to share, you should make sure it gets read. For this, it is essential that the bloggers measure KPI’s, Key Performance Indicator either Key Performance Indicators and they can improve their Blog constantly. Here we show you some:
Imagine that your web page is a highway, the traffic is the number of people that travel. You can easily measure it with tools like Google Analytics and through variables like the following:
Sessions and page views.
Sessions are the number of times that the same user enters the page. While page views are the number of tickets which they entered. For example in one session, a user can register 3 page views.
Organic searches.
This refers to how many sessions or page views your blog is receiving through search engines; like Google or Bing.
This KPI is very important, because if your tickets are well positioned you can receive a large amount of traffic, without having to go looking for it. Unlike the traffic you receive through social networks.
A blog is the perfect channel to share what you know and earn money at the same time. Remember that you will not see results overnight, but you already know that it is possible to live from blogging.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected] and we will gladly help you solve your doubts 🙂
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