In this article you will know who is the happiest man in the world and what is your opinion about money.
Most of the people raise their goals with the priority of obtaining money, which is not bad. But no matter which path we decide to take, there is something more important than all the money in the world: our happiness.
Also read: 15 habits of happiness to live fully.
It may seem fanciful and even utopian, but happiness is one of the necessary fuels to get up motivated and do what we have to do.
There are divided opinions regarding the relationship between happiness and money. Some think that there is no direct link; while others say it’s better to get through the hard times in a Ferrari.
What will the happiest man in the world think about money? Is money related to happiness?
What does the happiest man in the world think about money.
For Matthieu Ricard, called the happiest man in the world, happiness and money are not directly proportional.
Matthieu says that when man is unable to find happiness in himself, he desperately searches for it in objects, in experiences, in increasingly strange ways of thinking or behaving; and that in a nutshell, he moves away from happiness looking for it where it does not exist.
Beyond agreeing or not, we must pay close attention to the point of view of Matthieu, who earned the title of the happiest man in the world for something very particular.
Who is Matthieu Ricard and why is he the happiest man in the world?
After receiving his Ph.D in molecular genetics, Matthieu decided to take a different course in his life and went to the Himalayas to practice Tibetan Buddhism.
He is currently a lecturer, a French interpreter of the Dalai Lama, a writer and a member of the board of the Mind and life institute (entity in charge of exploring the relationship between science and Buddhism).
During a 12-year study, neuroscientist Richard Davidson attached 256 sensors to Matthieu’s head. This, while Matthieu was meditating on compassion. The results were amazing.
According to the Simple Capacity portal, Matthieu’s brain emits a level of gamma waves never before recorded. In addition, the scan showed excessive activity in his left prefrontal cortex; which allows you to have a greater capacity to be happy and to be less prone to being negative.
How does he do it?
If money is foreign to happiness for him, how does he manage to be so happy?
His secret is altruism, a subject he deals with in his books Happiness: A Guide to Developing the Most Important Skill Y Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Ourselves and the World.
For Matthieu it is very exhausting to always think about “me”; since seeing life with ourselves as the center of everythingwe start constantly looking for a potential interest in everything around us and that leads us to be unhappy.
On the other hand, a benevolent and supportive vision leads us to a much healthier state of mind.
To achieve this, it is enough to train for 15 to 20 minutes a day, says Matthieu, meditating on happy things.
Usually our thoughts go from one place to another without a fixed direction. So the secret is not to let ourselves be distracted and always keep those happy things in mind.
Just as we train our body, we must train our mind. Even with only 2 weeks of practice, the brain changes and our immune system is improved.
Matthieu says that you don’t have to have a pair of sandals or be in the Himalayas to develop positivity and compassion; and that any man or woman can be the “happiest in the world” if he looks in the right place.
If you want to know a little more about him, these 45 phrases by Matthieu Ricard will teach you a lot.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.