In this article you will know how to go from broke to millionaire identifying and modifying 3 fundamental pillars.
In this age we have great speakers who have influenced millions of people to be better in their lives and their jobs. Among them are Tony Robbins T. Harv Eker, mark victor hansen, Brian Tracy Y Jack Canfield; but there was someone who inspired them, and will inspire future generations.
James Rohn.
Emanuel James Rohn (known as Jim Rohn) was born in 1930 on a farm in Caldwell, Idaho. He left school a year after entering. At 25 he was bankrupt and at 31 he was already a millionaire. How did he do it?
How to go from bankruptcy to millionaire.
To explain how to go from bankruptcy to a millionaire, you will first find a small flow map and then the explanation of each point.
Jim understood that he should not look for external culprits such as:
- Birthplace.
- The cost of things.
- The taxes.
- Not even his salary.
I just had to change your philosophy of life. It’s simple, if you are governed by external factors and they do not change, you will be doomed to failure.
If you always blame external factors, you are doomed to fail. Click To Tweet
But, how to change the philosophy of life.
How to change the philosophy of life.
Jim makes a comparison between his philosophy of life and the sail of a ship:
- Mindset: How we think and how we react have much more capacity to destroy our sails than any challenge we face.
- Adaptation: If the winds change let’s adjust the sails, instead of allowing them to carry us in a direction we don’t want to go.
- Perception: If we can change the way we perceive, judge and decide on big problems; then we can dramatically change our lives.
- Decision: The development of a sound philosophy prepares us to make correct decisions.
Once he transformed his philosophy of life, he realized that the difference between success and failure is minimal.
Failing is making the same mistakes every day; Being successful requires adopting good habits and following them every day.
Success is based on acquiring good habits and following them every day. Click To Tweet
We all know that adopting good habits is difficult and that to achieve it we must have the necessary mindset and attitude.
How to have a positive attitude.
Attitude, for Jim Rohn, is how we feel and especially about the following:
- Past: From which we must learn and not become attached.
- Present: Which we must take advantage of every moment.
- Future: On which we must plant goals to establish a path.
- Other people: In whom we must leverage our success and treat them with the best attitude; since our future will depend on that.
- Ourselves: Treating ourselves with a good attitude will allow us to see the good things, recognize values and achievements.
“What we know (life philosophy) and how we feel (attitude) can hardly determine our potential to achieve goals. However, achieving goals is determined by our exerciseRohn says.
Taking action was what allowed him to be vice-president of Nutri-bio; get a place in the hall of fame of motivational speakers; being one of the mentors of the founder of Herbalife; and be an author of great recognition.
Below you will find a simple but effective technique to start taking action, but first we would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5, to see how you have found this article so far. Thank you!
How to take action.
To start taking action, Jim Rohn invites us to ask ourselves what are those simple things that we are not doing; and that would allow us to improve our well-being
For example, when Rohn met his mentor, John Earl Shoaff, he asked him to do a self-analysis through a series of questions:
- How much had you saved and invested in recent years?
- How many times had you exercised in the last month?
- How many books had he read in the previous 3 months?
This in order to review where his philosophy of life and the activity he had put in had taken him.
We must constantly measure our results because that way we will know if our philosophy of life, attitude and activity are taking us where we want.
If not, let’s remember that we must readjust the sails whenever necessary.
Rohn worked for various companies, including Nutri bio, of which he was vice president. However, his philosophy of life and his oratorical skills were what catapulted his success.
He is recognized as one of the greatest business coaches and his influence has gone viral since his first presentation in 1960; year in which impact with his teaching powers.
His seminars became coveted shows by the big companies. Rohn has taught seminars around the world for over 40 years.
To go from bankruptcy to a millionaire you must change your philosophy of life, have the necessary attitude and take action.
That was what allowed Rohn to change his situation, and they are the factors that defined his lifestyle. So if you’re not satisfied with yours, you know where to start.
You can know the best phrases of Jim Rohn by clicking here.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.