Over the last few years, we have been able to see how the demand for professionals in the market has acquired a trend that is not at all similar to what was seen in previous times.
And despite the fact that for decades there are professions that have not ceased to be the most requested, such as careers related to health and law, there are now many new professions that are just emerging and head the lists of labor demand.
This trend that we mentioned shows how currently the most requested professions are those related to technology and digital knowledge.
This that has been happening in the workplace has a very obvious reason for everyone: Today’s world is dominated by technology.from almost any point of view.
For this reason these are 5 of the most requested professions by companies today.
5 most requested professions today.
1. Programmers.
Or also known by some as developers. They are professionals capable of designing, creating and implementing computer programs that can be used for literally anything that is needed.
Programming is a very broad and at the same time very specific field of work, there is a wide variety of programming specializations such as: web page developers, front-end, back-end or full stack developers, business software specialists and many more.
The truth is that all these branches of programming have something in common, they all develop software using a programmatic language.
If you are interested in knowing a little more about the subject and even if you want to learn programming, a very good way to start is with the development of web pages using the php Laravel framework. In fact, Aulab explains it very well and has an excellent course with which you can become a web developer in just 6 months.
Dare to learn this incredible profession, which is expected not to drop very soon from the ranking of most requested professions. In reality, it is expected to lead it for years and even become a requirement for professionals from different areas.
2. Digital marketing specialists.
Who does not use social networks nowadays?
Probably the most widely used means of communication today are social networks. Other media such as television and radio are no longer as effective in attracting customers as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok can be.
This rise of social networks has forced companies to look for different alternatives to connect with their potential customers, which led them to seek help from a specialist in “digital marketing”.
This specialist knows very well how to position a brand, carry out advertising campaigns, achieve an increase in sales and many other things that are essential for a company to survive and grow in the market, thanks to social networks.
3. Content creators.
Hand in hand with digital marketing, these professionals, who have only been in the market for a few years, are today one of the most sought after.
This profession is also very broad and it can be said that it includes other professionals, such as graphic designers, editors, communicators and journalists, audiovisual directors and of course; the new and very famous “influencers”.
These professionals are ideal to help the digital marketing specialist to develop an excellent campaign in social networks, because a campaign without good content goes nowhere.
4. Data scientists.
Another profession that also has very little time in the job market, but its process of scaling to position itself among the most requested professions has been exponential.
This career arises from the need of large companies, from analyze data that is high value and key in order to establish good growth strategies, detect failures in a timely manner and collect information that helps to significantly improve decision-making.
In order to fulfill their role, data scientists must make use of specialized data storage programs such as MySQL, even know how to use some programming languages such as Python, and have a good base of statistical knowledge.
5. Cybersecurity professionals.
And as a side effect of the use of technology in companies, just as they need security personnel and police to prevent theft in their facilities, they also They need a staff that protects them against the theft of information that they store in digital programs and applications.
Cybersecurity professionals design and use programs that help detect and protect companies from attack by hackers, who seek to steal personal information and hijack data as a way to extort companies.
In many rankings and lists based on statistical analysis, these 5 professions often lead and establish themselves as the most in-demand professions today. Did you know of any?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.