Below you will find the story of Jon Jandai. A story that will teach you why life is so easy.
In my village we only worked two months a year. The first month we grew rice and in the second we harvested it. So as a kid I thought life was easy and fun.
Until everyone told me that I had to go to the capital to study to be successful. I felt bad, I felt poor and I listened to them.
I studied and worked at least 8 hours a day. It was enough for me to eat a cup of noodles and live in a small room with a lot of people.
From that moment I began to wonder why if I worked so hard, my life was so difficult… and I understood that something was failing.
“Universities teach destructive knowledge”
I understood that to a large extent, what they taught in universities was destructive knowledge.
The more architects and engineers worked, the more the mountains would suffer. And the more agriculture students there were, the more people would poison the land and the water. I understood that everything we did was to complicate ourselves more.
I felt disappointed and I remembered when I was a child; everyone had a lot of free time. That’s why they could introspect; so they could understand themselves and therefore understand what they wanted in life: happiness, love and enjoyment.
I left the university. I returned to my town and started working 2 months a year.
I get 4 tons of rice. My family of 5 and I eat less than a ton a year; so we have a large part left to sell.
I take care of two fish ponds and we can eat fish all the time.
I made a small garden that I only spend 15 minutes a day, I have more than 30 types of vegetables and since 6 people can’t finish it, we have another source of income.
Life is very easy!
He remembered that in the capital he worked very hard and had almost nothing to eat. While in my town I work 2 months a year and 15 minutes a day and I can feed 6 people; that’s much simpler.
I tended to think that fools like me could never have a house; because the most intelligent, the best of the class, who had good jobs, had to work more than 30 years to have one.
So I decided to build my house, I worked 2 hours a day for 3 months and I was able to get it. A much smarter friend could also have his house in 3 months, but he must pay for it over the next 30 years.
If we compare ourselves, we are equal. I am simply 29 years old and have 9 more months of free time.
After that, I built at least one house a year and now I have a problem…deciding every night which house I am going to sleep in. Life is very easy!
At one point I felt poor and unattractive. I wanted to dress in fashion, so I decided to buy some jeans.
I saved for a month and when I tried them on in front of the mirror, all I saw was the same person I had always seen. I understood that the most expensive jeans could not change my life.
For 20 years I have not bought clothes, I use things that others throw away. When they go to visit me they leave me a lot of clothes and when they see that I am wearing very old clothes, they leave me a lot more!
Now my problem is that I have to give away clothes very often. Life is very easy!
I was still meditating and worried about what I would do when I got sick. I understood that the disease reminded us that we did something wrong with our body, so I took better care of myself and learned to heal myself with water, with earth and some basic knowledge.
Knowing that I only depend on myself, I feel free, I am less afraid; I feel that I can do whatever I want in my life, without complicating myself.
Over time, together with my wife we created Punpunthailand.org and we dedicated ourselves to storing seeds; because seeds are food and food is life.
We also have a learning center, where we learn from each other and teach how to make life easier.
Living without complications is very simple; We just forgot how to do it. We forgot to be united and all because we were taught to disconnect and depend solely on money.
To be happy we must take a step back and connect again with others, with our body and with our mind.
Basic necessities such as housing, clothing, food and medicine are increasingly difficult to obtain for the majority. And it doesn’t matter how many people finish university, nor the fact that there are many universities in the world with many intelligent people; we just make our lives more and more complicated.
“I can’t change what happens around me, but I can change my way of seeing things”
Birds build their nests in 2 days, rats dig their holes in one night and humans take 30 years to have a house. Who do we work so hard for?
I can’t change the external factors that make everything complicated, I can only change my way of thinking and decide to make my life easy and enjoyable.
If someone else wants to live like this, they also have the power to choose whether they want their life to be easy or difficult.
This story was written from the Ted Talk titled “Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard”, which you can see below.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.