In this article you will know the philosophical principle to build wealth: Stoic philosophy.
It is clear, philosophy is not the subject that we are most interested in learning these days.
How the thoughts and opinions of the ancient Greek philosophers of the year 300 BC and the minds of great thinkers like Cicero, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius; can you help us today?
But the better question would be: How could you not help us?
From Jeff Bezos to Elon Musk to Bill Gates; it’s hard to find a great businessman who doesn’t take advantage of the benefits of something called “stoic philosophy”.
Do you expect to have the same mindset and success in business? Learning what Stoic philosophy is is a great step to start with.
What is stoic philosophy.
The main teachings of Stoicism remind us how unpredictable the world can be; and philosophy gives us the tools to be in control of our emotions and senses.
Stoicism asks us to reflect on ourselves and what matters most to us.
Investor Warren Buffett has fully internalized this principle. In the words of Marcus Aurelius:
“Having some self-respect for our mind and valuing it, you will be satisfied with yourself, with the harmony you have with other human beings and in tune with the gods; thankful for what they have given you”. (After prioritizing what’s important, you don’t need more.)
Warren Buffett, example of Stoic Philosophy.
Buffett still lives in his Omaha home, which he bought 59 years ago for about $31,500; Despite the fact that he currently has a fortune close to 84 billion dollars (December 2018).
He is one of the richest people on the planet. However, she is a lover of McDonald’s (In many parts of the world, it is seen as a low-key food chain).
Every morning on his way to work, he stops at a McDonald’s where he buys a coke and his breakfast. Total cost of purchase? It is never more than $3.17.
Says Buffett, “While I’m shaving I say to my wife ”$2.61, $2.95, or $3.17,’ and she puts that amount in my car.”
Why doesn’t Buffett spend extravagantly when he has all the financial means to do so?
What is your priority?
Buffett lives below his means because he has prioritized what really matters most to him and these priorities do not include luxuries (expensive houses, expensive cars, expensive food).
By cultivating low-cost interests and passions, you are able to continue to build your wealth and maintain financial freedom.
Also read: The 7 deadly sins of finances (So that you avoid falling into them)
Now is a good time to incorporate a bit of Stoic philosophy into your own life.
Find out what matters most to you and where you can adjust your behavior and spending habits. By doing so, you will be in line with the greatest businessmen of today 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.