Success is built on a mountain of failures. The bigger the mountain, the greater the success.
As silly as it sounds, you’re going to want success to last a long time. Let me explain:
Why does success last longer when it takes longer to achieve?
The longer you struggle to achieve your goals, the more you will learn from your mistakes and the more experience you will gain in whatever it is you do.
Those who pursue success for a long time build strong foundations that will sustain them despite long-term difficulties.
So make sure you build your success on solid foundations. Otherwise, your wins will disappear as fast as you got them.
We live in a world that knows no delayed gratification, where everyone wants to get results overnight. And this desire for immediate success makes people impatient; and this is a characteristic of poverty.
Patience is one of the most important habits millionaires possess. Without patience, most of them would give up before achieving their goals.
After interviewing hundreds of millionaire individuals over three years, my analysis showed that achieving success and true wealth takes an average of 12 years. This is a long time and requires a lot of patience.
Why does it take so long to achieve success?
Achieving success takes so long because there are so many things to learn. Mainly because learning what to do and what not to do takes years.
When you finally start to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and gain more experience; you will make fewer and fewer mistakes.
Also, through repetition, you will eventually become a competent person in your field and ultimately an expert.
Why doesn’t success last when you get it so fast?
Those who seek instant success never get it; and if they do, it doesn’t last.
The structure on which it is built is weak and superficial, since they never develop the skills or experience that can sustain them over time.
These individuals suffer from shiny object syndrome What is?
The shiny object syndrome is a habit of the poor in which a person looks for quick results in a project, and seeing that he does not achieve them, he loses focus and motivation; and as a result, he jumps at the first new project that catches his eye. This becomes a never ending cycle.
What makes a great idea great is success. And success requires focus, along with relentless persistence.
This, like it or not, takes time. According to my research, this focus and persistence starts to pay off after 12 years.
Never give up on your dreams. At some point you will find the results you are looking for. But you will never succeed if you give up at the first obstacle.
In this way, you will never spend enough time to solve the problems that arise; and you can never become the person you need to be for success to visit you.
The longer it takes you to be successful, the longer it will last. 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
This article was originally published on richhabits.net. Its translation and publication in ModoEmprendedor has been authorized directly by the author and cannot be reproduced by any other means.