In this article you will know what is the role of luck when creating a company and why it is so important.
Luck has an affinity for the survivors and enmity for those who surrender.
After researching the histories and origins of 177 millionaires in my study, I began to admire them.
I found something amazing.
Many of them came very close to financial ruin. They invested every dollar trying to leverage the assets they owned to make their dream come true.
Some went even further; they borrowed money from friends, family, and anyone who could help them.
If you could get close to the balance sheets of these millionaires, just before they became successful, you would be surprised.
The worst thing is that these millionaires had to constantly look at these balance sheets while they pursued their dream.
Luck has an affinity for the survivors and enmity for those who surrender. Click To Tweet
Just imagine having nothing but mountains of debt as your eternal companions. Now imagine looking at your accounts year after year, without any progress. Perhaps worse than a terrible financial situation is the uncertainty that covers every day.
The pre-millionaire dialogue goes something like this:
- When will I be able to get ahead?
- What else do I have to do?
- When will I get lucky?
- How will I survive the next month?
- When will so much uncertainty end?
How did they survive the closely fenced financial Armageddon and eternal uncertainty? How did they find the strength to persevere?
The important role of luck when creating a company.
They managed to move forward due to 2 factors: Luck and courage.
These millionaires knew a secret that all entrepreneurs come to understand over time, you must find a way to survive until you succeed.
You must find a way to survive until you succeed. Click To Tweet
As I have said on several occasions, the number 1 success factor is luck. If you want to achieve your dreams you must be lucky.
But luck true luck takes time. For some people, the long-awaited luck is just around the corner, for others it can take years to arrive.
Surviving will buy the time you need for luck to happen. Click To Tweet
However luck only visits the survivors. For this reason, it is imperative that you find a way to survive.
Despite the role of luck when creating a company, it is a leading role; you cannot pretend to succeed thanks to a stroke of luck.
You must focus on moving forward and program your mind to be resilient. Only then, luck will be on your side 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.