In this article you will know the history of japanese bamboo and the incredible lesson that can catapult you to success, or bury you in failure.
There are several reasons that explain why an entrepreneur fails when creating a business. However, in this article I will only talk about one of them.
The desire to have quick money and to see results overnight is one of the reasons why 9 out of 10 companies close soon.
Unfortunately, the Latin American economic situation makes entrepreneurs create a business out of necessity, with the desire to see the fruit of their work as soon as possible.
It starts with a lot of enthusiasm, but the lack of results quickly demotivates. To the point of thinking that the business idea was not viable.
To explain this problem more clearly, I found a very interesting story that exemplifies the thinking of an entrepreneur in front of his project. Pay close attention to the history of japanese bamboo.
The history of Japanese bamboo
Bamboo is one of the most incredible plants in the world. It is said that a bamboo stalk is even stronger than steel.
Some species of this plant can grow 3 feet in just 24 hours and reach sizes up to 100 feet tall. It is definitely the highest growth rate presented by a plant.
However, bamboo has a problem; the same problem that many companies have during their early years.
Also read: 7 amazing lessons from the richest man who ever lived.
Most people don’t know that Japanese bamboo shows no growth for the first 5 years. And they also don’t know that their seeds don’t even break the ground. Even with proper care, work and dedication; no progress seen.
Like an entrepreneur, bamboo growers have two options; Either continue with your job or give up and quit.
However, bamboo growers are patiently waiting. Even without seeing its growth, they continue to care for the bamboo seeds, even in those moments where they lose motivation.
The prize of effort and patience.
The good news is that after 5 years of constant work, the bamboo plant shows amazing growth. In just a few days, that seed that had not even broken the ground is taller than its owners.
For those people who do not know the bamboo growth process, they think that these results happened overnight.
The same thing happens when we know the success of big businessmen. When the media tells us the stories of these multi-billion dollar companies and how their owners created them, we only see the results and so we expect the same.
What we don’t see is that without the constant dedication that was given to the bamboo seed, it might have died without the slightest chance to grow.
When we are tired of working without seeing results, it is very easy to give up. Like the bamboo, our ambitions can die without giving our company a chance to show its first results.
It is something very similar to this reflection that we uploaded on our Instagram account.
Remember that if you want to create a business, it is very possible that you have to work on something for a long time without getting anything in return. But there will come a time when everything you were looking for will appear “overnight”.
If you do not have the results you are looking for, it is because you are doing something wrong. Maybe you’re not doing it, or possibly you’re not applying the right strategy.
The important thing is that you stop looking for blame on the outside. It is not the market, nor the clients, nor your luck; it is you who has not found how to achieve it.
And despite everything, remember that even if you are doing everything right, you need time to see growth and results.
Patience, persistence and constant work will generate results sooner or later. Never forget it when you feel unmotivated.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.