In this article you will know 3 Jeff Bezos success secrets that allowed him to achieve success.
Jeff Bezos is one of the greatest business leaders and is currently the first richest man in the world (December 2021).
His company has completely changed the industry of retail, entertainment and also cloud storage services.
At a recent conference, Bezos summed up his formula for success in one brilliant sentence. “Success needs talented experts, a beginner’s mind, and a long-term orientation.”
Also read: Jeff Bezos secrets to make decisions and stay focused.
Find below a short analysis by Justin Bariso for the Inc.com portal; in which he breaks down this formula and demonstrates why it is so powerful.
Jeff Bezos’ 3 biggest success secrets.
1. Surround yourself with the right people.
If you’re going to achieve great things, you need a team of great people.
Bezos describes these people as “talented experts.”
Aren’t all experts talented? In a sense, yes. However, over time research has revealed that it’s not just about knowledge, it’s not just about who’s on the team; but how they work together.
Also read: 4 people you must have in your work team for your company to be a success.
That’s why hiring is so important: You don’t just need a bunch of “brilliant jerks,” as Netflix CEO Reed Hastings calls them.
People who know what they are doing, and who have the emotional intelligence to work well with others on the same team; They are necessary in the formula for success.
2. Have a learn it all mentality.
The problem with bringing together a group of experts is that there is a danger that everyone will think they have all the answers. And that’s where another of Jeff Bezos’s success secrets comes into play. He calls it “a beginner’s mind“.
In other words, you don’t want to be a know-it-all; you want to be a “learn it all”.
By doing this, you adopt the mindset of a student, in which you reconsider everything from scratch. The idea is to search for new and innovative solutions permanently.
You are not allowed to worry about what others think, you can only be focused on growth. That gives you the freedom to pursue biases for action, experiment and make mistakes, and turn them into learning opportunities.
Also read: How to learn faster by practicing smart.
3. Prepare to play the long game.
No one said that transforming an industry or solving major problems was easy.
Jeff Bezos knows this as well as anyone: He came under fire for decades when Amazon didn’t turn a profit. But he didn’t really care, because he knew it would take time to reach goals as lofty as the ones he had set. Goals like fundamentally changing the way people shop.
Also read: Jeff Bezos’ 10 tips for entrepreneurs.
Or, as Amazon’s set of principles for its leaders clearly states:
“They think long-term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results.”
Jeff Bezos’s success secrets can easily become yours. Never forget:
- Surround Yourself Well (Talented Experts)
- Learn as much as you can (Have a beginner’s mind)
- Never sacrifice the value of long term.
I hope this information is very useful to you. successes!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.