In this article you will find 3 examples of how it works the economy in video games.
Video games have become one of the main entertainment industries, moving millions of dollars every year.
Due to this, the games have been gaining in complexity and one of the most interesting points is the economy they build; creating systems where players have to manage resources efficiently to buy items or upgrades, among many other options.
They require practice and good management as it is done in real life projects, for example documenting ourselves on web pages or organizing ourselves in advance. Next, we will talk about some examples of how the economy works in video games.
The economy in video games.
world of warcraft
word of warcraft is a massively multiplayer role-playing game that takes place in a fantasy world inspired by the saga warcraft It even has its own movie.
The main claim of the title is to enter a virtual world with a life of its own where the most important thing is the community. In addition to the typical features of role-playing games, such as completing missions, gaining new abilities or defeating enemies; in wow You can mine metals, gather plants, hunt animals, forge weapons and armor, make clothes, make potions and much more.
It also has such a large amount of resources that it is impossible for a single player to cover the entire profession system. Fostering team play and the economy, where you can take advantage of time avoiding stagnation; as delegating tasks to specialize in others. For example, forge armor but buy the materials instead of collecting them.
Also, word of warcraft has its own auction system where players price items based on demand. Of course, there is a rarity system on items ranging from common a legendaryso that they can also be offered to other players when they are obtained during the adventure.
The game economy is a living entity and players can face enemies or explore the map to gain resources or participate in the market in a smart way.
Black Jack
New technologies make it possible to enjoy table games over the Internet when before they could only be played through physical means. The best example is the ancient chess, which has countless pages to play against others or practice alone.
However, one of the most popular in recent years is blackjack, a card game in which you have to get the closest score to 21 without going over to win. the casinos on-line favor blackjack success by offering a close to life experience from PC or mobile.
The economy in games of chance is usually directly related to risk and the higher the risk, the better the prize. In the case of blackjack, for example, there is a strategy called doublewhich can turn a bad hand into a win.
When doubling down, the player divides the initial cards to be used in two different hands but betting a double amount, one for each hand. From here you can request a card for each hand separately to play with them independently.
This strategy can lead to victory in bad situations but the rules of each house must be taken into account before carrying it out; since they can differ and even use multiple decks that affect the probability.
sim city
sim city It is undoubtedly the game of managing cities with methods closer to reality. Buildings and infrastructure of all kinds rise from an empty piece of land. Such as homes, schools, hospitals, police stations, electrical and water systems, garbage cans, etc.
It also offers a complexity that the player must take into account, maintaining the balance between constructions, economy, happiness of the citizens and pollution.
sim city It presents quite a challenge because building like crazy, without prior planning, ends in disaster in the medium term. A good city design provides greater benefits. You can also decide the salary of public employees or the taxes of citizens, although always keeping in mind that it can affect happiness or quality of work. Undoubtedly, the ideal game to experiment with the economy of a big city.
Video games are a medium where it is possible to experience the economy without suffering the consequences of real life mistakes that could lead to bankruptcy. Although always keeping in mind that they are simpler systems as they are designed for closed systems within fictional worlds.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.