buy in china it’s getting easier. Before, we simply got the products with the sticker or label that said “made in china”; but it did not occur to us to get those products directly from china.
Now, thanks to technology and specifically to e-commerce, with a few clicks we can buy in China and get countless products at incredibly cheap prices.
In fact, many entrepreneurs use these facilities to start their businesses. They find a good supplier, they buy cheap, they sell more expensive and therein lies the profit.
For a venture that we have in ModoEmprendedor, we contacted different suppliers, we talked to them about what we needed, they sent us samples, we were able to learn about the quality of the products and we requested a larger order.
Everything in a very agile and simple way. (At the end of the article we will tell you how we did it.)
If you are reading this article, it is very possible that you want to know how to buy in China, either to create a business or simply because you want to get products for yourself at cheap prices.
Whatever the case, here we share the best online portals to buy in china:
Best online portals to buy in china.
I will put the data from Alexa and Similar Web so that their number of visitors per month and worldwide ranking can give you a little more confidence. And if you want to enter the portals, you can click on the image or on the name of the portal.
Light in the box
Alexa Global Rank: 3555 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 14.14 million.
Through Light in the box, you can buy a large number of products in China. From technology to clothing and at extraordinary prices.
You can also find a large number of temporary discounts and pay by credit card (with all known franchises), PayPal, Western Union and many more.
Alexa Global Rank: 179 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 111.22 million.
In case you don’t know, Alibaba is the company that made Jack Ma the richest man in China.
Here I leave a very short video of Jack Ma for you to know:
Intelligence VS Wisdom
Jack Ma never ceases to amaze us. For him, the future of young people lies in recognizing the difference between intelligence and wisdom.
Posted by ModoEmprendedor on Friday, 2 February 2018
Alibaba is characterized by selling products wholesale. This site to buy in China, brings together a huge number of suppliers where you can buy everything from tennis to excavation machinery.
Alexa Global Rank: 35 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 703.42 million.
As you can see, it is one of the most visited websites in the world. And not in vain. AliExpress is part of the Alibaba-group family. If you want to give yourself a better idea, imagine that it is like Ebay or Amazon, with the difference that it bills more than the 2 together.
You get pretty much anything you need, and you’ll find several products that don’t charge shipping. And as in many other portals to buy in China, you can make payments through many alternatives.
Rose WholeSale
Alexa Global Rank: 27,506 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 2.64 million.
The focus is mainly clothing and accessories. Despite having a bit of a bad reputation a few years ago, on different review platforms such as trustpilot, it has a 4/5 rating and you can get an idea of what customer service is like.
Alexa Global Rank: 7,534 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 6.32 million.
If you are looking to buy some technology, DealExtreme is the best option. Although you can find some products that are not technological, of the more than 300,000 products that they have, most of them are.
They have several categories to filter searches. They have one called “0.99”, where everything you see costs 1 dollar and another called “MVP” (Most valuable product) where you will see the products that have sold the most, are dispatched in 24 hours and have the best prices. among other.
Also, regardless of the country you are from, shipping is free, which can save you some money.
Alexa Global Rank: 185 (February 2019)
Estimated visits per month: 184.69 million.
GearBest, like some previous portals, also makes deliveries for free. In the same way, it has many payment methods.
Due to its worldwide ranking and number of visits, you will realize that it is one of the most visited and that is due to the wide variety of products and satisfied customers.
Even a little over 1 month ago I asked for a TvBox. Everything arrived impeccable and the price was unbeatable.
Before continuing with the explanation of our experience contacting suppliers in chinaWe would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you!
How to contact suppliers to buy in china.
If you plan to import a product from China to sell in your country, you will need to contact factories and distributors in that country.
This is perhaps one of the most intimidating steps for some entrepreneurs. On the one hand, it is very likely that you do not speak their language. And on the other, that they do not speak Spanish, so you must communicate in English.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to call these companies from your country, a simple email can open the door to a long business relationship. In fact, these platforms have options for you to communicate with the manufacturers.
However, they receive hundreds of emails every day and not all of them respond; because they only want to do business with serious people and companies that generate profitability for them.
Let’s assume you already found the product you want. Within the product page you will find the option “Contact supplier” or “Wholesale inquiry”.
Below is an example of a product we ordered using the Alibaba platform and how we approached the manufacturer for immediate response.
You can use this same format, you just have to change the name of the product, which in this case is “Portable home fitness crossfit suspension trainer”.
The recommendations in this case are the following:
- Never ask for less than 500 units. If you do, the manufacturer will not be interested in answering your message.
- Don’t waste your time asking for the minimum number of orders either. Get their attention directly by asking for 500 or more units, and then you can negotiate.
- You are not going to buy a product that you do not know, so you should request a sample or “sample”. You should be prepared to be charged a much higher price than you would normally pay. They do this to ensure the legitimacy of the request and corroborate the seriousness of the business. That is why in the end it is clear that we are willing to pay the price of the sample plus shipping.
When you choose a product, take into account its weight. This way you will save a lot of money on shipping.
Finally try to avoid technology products. Patents, returns and customer service issues could be a headache to begin with.
These platforms have rigorous systems to protect their customers, so check that the product you want has good reviews and a good sales volume.
We hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.