Yale’s most popular class, the renowned North American University, teaches how to live happier. Which is out of educational standards and makes us think.
In this day and age we hear many complaints about current education. In my opinion, most of the claims are from an objective vision that can show the shortcomings of the teachings in colleges and universities.
This is because if the world evolves and education does not evolve at the same rate, future generations will have an ever-widening gap in knowledge.
That is why when I saw that one of the most emblematic universities was teaching how to be happier, I thought it was important to share it with the ModoEmprendedor community.
The class is titled “Psychology and the good life” and 1,200 students are enrolled. The number of students is such that the entire class must be moderated by 24 people and they decided not to do it in person, now it will be given online.
Is a class that teaches how to live happier is necessary?
Technology advances and makes us more vulnerable to living with many more things. We are the target of information and misinformation 24 hours a day, we think we should be where everyone else is and without realizing it, we overlook the things that make living worth living; like happiness.
Scott Maulz, author of the book Ignite the flame, Ignite your inspiration and make work exciting againexplained on the Inc.com portal, what they teach in this class to know how to live happier.
How to live happier according to Yale University:
1. Show gratitude.
Some studies have shown that the gratitude we show is directly related to our happiness.
We usually see that millionaire people often talk about philanthropy. Giving to others allows them to get something that they would not have in any other way, and it is to connect with something beyond themselves.
I don’t know if it happens to you, when you help someone who really needs it, you feel much better about yourself.
2. Procrastinate less.
Putting off our responsibilities over and over again only keeps us worrying about the same thing for longer.
Maulz, based on studies, highlights that in order to procrastinate less, we must avoid thinking that these statements are correct:
-I work better under pressure:
Under pressure, the brain is more vulnerable to making mistakes due to its lower ability to process information correctly.
-My willpower is strong:
I don’t know if a study was necessary to show that in most cases, our willpower is not very strong.
Just think about it: How many times have you promised to exercise, or read a book, or go on a diet and you haven’t?
-I respect my times:
Sometimes we think that by simply promising ourselves that we will do a certain task at a certain time, we will actually do it. And it is not like that, unless you know how to achieve your goals.
As you can imagine, the reality is different, since we have many ways to deceive ourselves and continue in our comfort.
So do things when you have to do them, don’t wait until the last minute, because you expose yourself to doing them wrong, or what is worse, never doing them.
Also read: How to take advantage of time.
3. Increase your social connections.
Connecting with others allows us to evolve as people and be happier. And it is that through interactions we better understand our role in the world and it is precisely by knowing what we are that we can make a balance between what we can give and what we can achieve. (If you don’t know the happiness equation, click here)
It seems that a class that teaches how to live happier simply requires going to listen to it, but it is the most difficult of all, since changing our habits to be better and happier people is something that very few achieve.
If you want to continue learning how to be happy, click here for an article with 12 tips to find happiness. Best of all, they are supported by scientific studies.
And finally remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.